Chapter 3

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Layla's POV

**Next week**

I walked down the hallway and I saw him. Grayson Dolan. God he's perfect. "Hey babe" he walks up to me and intertwines our hands together. We walked down the hall in comfortable silence, just happy to be with each other. "Sorry babe, I gotta get to class" he leans down, as he is about to kiss me...


I woke up to the annoying sound of my alarm going off. Really? Just as we were about to kiss I wake up? Ugh. I got up, did my normal morning routine, put on my clothes (outfit above) and headed downstairs. I saw my mom sitting at the table. "Hey mom". She seemed startled when she saw me, she must not of hard me come down. 

"Oh, hey darling, did you sleep well last night?" I thought about the dream with Grayson and smiled slightly. I just said, "Yup" and popped the "p". I grabbed an apple and looked down at my phone for the time. "Mom I gotta get to school, I love you" I walked up to her, kissed her cheek. "Okay sweetie, I love you too, have a good day". I grabbed my long board and began to skate down the street in the direction of the school. As I rolled up to the school, I saw him. I lightly blushed when I saw this smile at me. 

Over the past week, me and him have gotten closer. Basically everyday we were talking. But I've noticed one thing about him, the only thing about him that wasn't perfect. He was a fuckboy.  Any time a girl would walk by, they'd obviously check him out, I mean who wouldn't, he was drop dead gorgeous. But he'd wink, smile, and get their digits. I know what you're thinking.  Well he's new to the school, maybe he's just trying to make friends. Well that's reasonable to think, until on Monday you see him kissing a girl named Melanie, and on Wednesday he's swapping spit with the slut of the school. Sophia. 

 God, I hated her. Ever since 7th grade she's been out to get me because she thought I had a crush on her boyfriend, Dawson. When in reality he was my neighbor so we just spent a lot of time together. He was my best friend, but she spread a rumor that i watched him while he slept. Yeah... So he never talked to me again. It was awful, I was bullied until the 9th grade. But now we're in 11th grade and most people have forgotten about it by now. But she doesn't hesitate to ruin my life. So when I saw Grayson's tongue down her throat, let's just say I wasn't thrilled. 

It's now Monday and I've been avoiding him since Wednesday. She's gonna make you hate me anyways so I might as well not get attached now. "Yo Layla!" I turned around to see Madi. "Heyy" I smiled at her. "Dude, what's going on with you and Grayson? He's seen us talking in the halls and assumed we were friends. He's been asking me why you've been avoiding him. So.. why have you?" I rolled my eyes. "Yeah like he cares, I bet Sophia is just using him to get secrets out of me." She gasped then I saw her clench her fists at her sides. "That.. she's already brainwashed him? Damn, that was quick." "Well I mean probably! Considering they had each other's tongues down the other's throat last week. So I've been dodging his calls, avoiding him a school. She's gonna turn him against me anyways so what's the point of being his friend?" She was about to say something when someone else called my name.

 "Layla!" I froze. I recognized that voice. It was his voice. "Layla! Why haven't you been answering my texts?" I didn't know what to say. A part of me wanted to snap at him, but the other part of me wanted to ignore the whole Sophia thing and be his friend. "Oh I-I uh.." I stuttered. I really had no idea what to say. "Why don't you run to your little girlfriend Sophia, because we don't need your drama here." Madi swooped in and save my stuttering butt. Grayson looked taken back. But then I saw his cheeks turn a light shade of pink. "Oh Sophia... yeah she's great" A huge smile spread across his face and my heart shattered. I hadn't even gotten him yet and I'd already lost him. He kept rambling on how he "finally had someone to talk to" and "she really understands me". I wasn't really listening at this point, until I heard his say "I want to ask her out, but I don't know how. Layla, I was hoping you would help me." I looked up at him, praying this was a joke. When I realized it wasn't I just said "Gray, you got a big brain you'll think of something" and walked off. Why does that bug me so much? I barely know him. But is it possible I, like him..? Oh my god... I have a crush on Grayson Dolan.

*Later that day*

I haven't been paying attention at all in class today. All I could think about was Grayson and Sophia. I did not understand why he thought she was so great. She's bullied so many people, slept with half the school, and will stop at nothing to end up on top. Honestly, if he asked a single person in the school who wasn't in her little squad and she hasn't slept with, they'd say the exact same thing. 

The bell finally rang in my last class signalling it was time for us to go home. I walked out to my locker and grabbed my book bag. I slammed my locker shut and made my way out of the school. 

"Hey Lay" I turned around and saw Madi jogging to catch up with me. "Hey, what's up?" I stopped walking so she could catch up to me. "I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight."  I smiled "Yeah, that sounds like fun." I got off my long board and we started walking to my house.

Madi has been my friend since kindergarten, so I don't have to have huge things planned for us to hang out. We just cuddled up in my bed and watched Netflix until she had to go home. After she left, I got in the shower, did what I needed to do, then changed into fuzzy pajamas and went to bed.

A/N Hey my peeps I'm back! Thank you so much if you're reading my story and a new update should be going up soon! I got a lot of ideas!! I love you all xoxo

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