Chapter 13

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*Aaron's POV*

Today I'm telling Layla I'm leaving in a few days. I've decided to spend the entire day with her doing her favorite thing, cuddling and watching movies. I already have all of her favorites: The Maze Runner, Scorch Trials, Nerve, and Now You See Me. I called her an hour ago and now I'm heading over to her house. 

I pulled up to her house and walked to her door. I knocked, and in about ten seconds, she opened the door with a huge smile on her face. "Hi princess" I smiled, giving her a kiss. "Hey babe. What's in the bag?" She pointed to the bag with all of the  movies in it. "I have a ton of movies and snacks. I just want to spend the entire day with you." She smiled widely and stepped to the side, letting me in. I put the first movie in, and we cuddled up on the couch together.


It's now 8 pm and we just finished the last movie. It's now or never. "Lay, can I tell you something?" She turned her head away from the tv to face me. "Yeah, what's up?" She tuned her whole body towards me, crossing her left leg under her right one, and leaning her elbow against her knee that was propped in the air. 

"Well, you know how my music is really starting to take off?" She nodded her head, signalling me to continue. "Well, my manager called me, and he said it might be best if I moved to L.A.." I trailed off, unable to tell her I'm leaving so soon. "So, when are you moving?" She asked, her head down and she was playing with her fingers. I sighed, causing her to look up at me. "Friday." I saw the natural light fade from her beautiful blue eyes, as they filled with tears. 

"Does this mean we can't be together anymore?" She asked, looking down once again. I mumbled a yes, and a sob escaped her lips. "But, I still care so much about you, it's just that some things have happened in the past that have made me not trust long distance. And believe me, if there was another way, I would take it" She sighed, and looked up at me.

"Oh, well I'm happy for you." She smiled, a single tear sliding down her cheek. I wiped it away with the pad of my thumb. "Please don't cry, I wish there was another way, but if I want my music to-" "No" she cut me off. "No, don't explain yourself. I know this is what's best for you. I just want you to be happy." She smiled once again. I smiled back at her, and planted a soft kiss on her lips.

For the rest of the night, we just goofed around and laughed. I ended up spending the night. We went up to bed. She cuddled up into me, her head in my chest, our legs tangled together. "Good night, Princess" I say, kissing the top of her head. "Goodnight." I felt her smile against my chest.


*Ethan's POV*

Since Madi and Aaron are leaving tomorrow, I've decided to ask Trin out today. Layla helped me set the whole thing up. I have a trail of notes leading to the river, because when me and her went there together,  that's when I realized I wanted to be with her. 

I had just finished setting everything up, and at each note, someone would be there with a rose to hand to her.

"Okay, I just called Trin, she should be here in five minutes. I have the first clue, now you need to get to the river. Go, go ,go." Layla said, pushing me out the door. I laughed and made my way down to the river.

*Trin's POV*

I knocked three times on Layla's door and within a few seconds, she opened the door smiling. I was about to walk in, when she waled out closing the door. I gave her a confused look, and she handed me a sticky note. It read: Go to the place where I said I loved the way your eyes sparkled in the moonlight ~ Ethan

I looked up at Layla again and she handed me a rose. "Do what the notes say, trust me." She smiled. I nodded my head, still confused with the whole situation, but did as told. I thought for a second then remembered the day me and Ethan were walking along the beach, and he told me he loved how my eyes sparkled in the moonlight.

I walked down the pier at the beach, at then end stood Grayson, with a sticky note in hand, and another rose. I read the note and made my way to the next location. I went to two other places, one had Aaron with a rose and another note; and the other had Madi, with the same things in hand. I read Madi's note and it said: Go to where we spent hours together, just enjoying each others company. Where I realized I loved you - Ethan

I smiled at the note, knowing exactly where to go. I walked to the river, and there stood Ethan in black jeans, and a nice blue shirt, his hair looking perfect as always. I walked up to him, my facing starting to hurt from how much I was smiling.

"Trin, from the moment I saw you at school, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. I know it sounds cheesy, but you make me feel like no matter what, I will be happy as long as you're by my side. When I look into your eyes, the rest of the world just fades away. I don't know what I've done to deserve you being in my life, but I know I always want you here. So Trin, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?"

I was in tears from him words. I didn't know what to say, so I just ran up to him, grabbed him face, and kissed him. He smiled and kissed back. I finally pulled away for air, and said "Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend." He smiled, and kissed me again. As we were kissing, I heard cheers and hollers from behind me. I turned to see Madi, Aaron, Layla, and Grayson all laughing and smiling. I looked down, still smiling, but Ethan lifted my chin with his finger, and kissed me once again.

The rest of night, I didn't stop smiling. We all went out to dinner, just laughing and being happy. It made me want to cry due to the fact that Madi and Aaron are leaving tomorrow. But I pushed those thoughts aside, and just enjoyed our last night together.


*Layla's POV*

We were at the airport right now, Aaron was about to get on his flight. Madi had already left. I honestly don't remember what happened. It's all a blur. I know I cried a lot, and tried to convince her parents to let her stay, but it was no use. But, that's all I really want to remember. I don't want my best friend leaving to be a memory in my mind.

Aaron had just hugged everyone goodbye, saving me for last. I looked up at him, tears coming to my eyes once again. He pulled me into his chest and slowly rocked us back and forth. "Don't cry Lay, I will be back to visit before you know it. It will fly by." He pulled away from me, and grabbed my head in him hands, softly cupping my cheeks, "I promise." He planted a soft kiss on my lips, and I never wanted to let go. His flight got called once again, signalling for him to go. He waved and slowly walked towards the entrance of the plane. We all turned around, heading for the exit, until I heard him call my name.

"Layla, wait!" I turned to see Aaron, he yelled "I love you." That was the first time he had said that to me. Shocked at his words, I just ran to him and jumped into his arms. "I love you too." I said into the crook of his neck. "I'm going to miss you so much, A. You don't even understand." He put me down, but kept his arms around me. "I do understand, because I will be missing you even more. I love you so much, don't forget that. I want to be with you, but I'm not ready for that again." Aaron states, looking down. "Hey, it's okay. I love you too, and that's all that matters." He smiled and kissed me once again. "Sir, are you boarding or not?" The flight attendant asked Aaron. We pulled away, and he sighed. "Yes." He unwrapped him arms from me. "I love you, A" I smiled at him. "I love you too, Lay, I'll see you soon, I promise." He walked into the airplane, and they closed the doors. 

I turned back around and started walking back to my friends.  I had tears pouring down my face, but I didn't care to wipe them away. As I got back to Trin, Ethan and Grayson, Gray pulled me into a hug and soothingly rubbed my back. "It's okay Lay, you'll see him again."  "But it isn't fair!" I cried into his chest. "I know, I know, but life isn't fair a lot of the time, but you're strong and you will be okay." I nodded and we all began to walk back towards the car.

A/N HELLO, YES I AM ALIVE! Sorry, I've taken so long to update, I have had severe writers block, but don't worry, I have some great ideas ;) Please, comment and vote if you enjoyed this chapter. I will see you all next time, PEACE!

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