Waking up

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Nikki's POV

Noel and Kristen built a containment unit for all the now powered up people, a frame structure with webbing streched all around it. Peter was put in his room with a chunk of ice from MyAnna was taped to his head. Casey was relativley fine and was in her room. We found Omar in the garage, half buried my a collection of electonic toys that seemed to be glued to his skin.

Some fo the others had fun pulling them off, dispite his screams pain. Elizabeth woke with a heavy head ache and Carlisle told her to stay in bed for the next few hours. Tracey and Judi raided the cloest for something warmer which wasn't a surpirse becuase they wasn't wearing much.

The Vampires went back to their house though the Amazon coven stayed for a bit longer along side Benjamin and Tia.

"This is better" Tracy called, striding into the room in modern clohting an make up.

"Whoa, that's different." Booboo commented staing at them then to Zafrina and Senna. the three Amazon vampires seemed transfized on them.

"Does anyone have straiteners?" Tracey asked, tugging on the wild bush of hair on her head.

"My room in the bottom draw on the left side of my bed. There's crinklers as well." I answered. My voice had thankfuly reverted to normal or i would have really hurt Cameron, i wasn't a violent person but i didn't want to spend the rest of my existance sounding like a character from Alvin and the chipmunks. She shot off, Judi zooming onto the sofa and processeded to read a magazine.

"The others are awake." Mackenzie annouced suddenly behind me. I jumped, the magaing slipping thorugh my hands and i fell thorugh the sofa. I heard a crunch and the coffee table had collapsed. I looked to Jodi who was crnging.

"The coffee table's broken." She pointed out.

"Be lucky that wasn't a human being." Booboo said, staring at the mess.

"What happen to Joe?" Judi asked.

"He's somehwere, last i saw he was being glued to the cealing in the dinning room table." I said, picking up my magazine.

"Did they removed the sharply pointed candle sticks on the hard flat surface benieth him, complete with china and cutlery ?" We all paused, Judi dissapearing as soon as she relased they hadn't.

"Billy'sa technopath." Mackenzie said, attracting our attention.

"Well that explains alot." Came the grone from the door." Peter arrived and with a dark bruise on his head, that would fade in a few hours.

"How you feeling?" I asked. He didn't answer, instead he collapsed into a chair,resting his head back but he fell asleep almost instantly, his jaw slacking open. I grinned. Pulling apart bits of paper form my magazine, i balled them up and began to throw them at him, hoping to get them into his mouth.

Mackenize joined in, getting everyone she got into his mouth and soon he was littered with paper. He wasn't choking on it so it seemed fine.

"What's goin-" Rami questioned, leaning on the door frame. He had found a way of making his double disappear so it was just him. If he was shoved to hard or if he fell over then another few popped into existance. A smile was present on his face. He shot over to us and been to help, a double appearing out of him and began to rip up paper.

"When he wakes, we scat." I whispered loudly. I felt some of the watch, Mackenzie giggling.

"So Billy controls technology, the others?"

"Cameron creates a blue bubblegum helium gas that's extremely flammable, Daniel mimics sand and I don't know about Charlie."

"I think he can absorb solar energy anc can convert that  into strength. " Angels said arily, 

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