The little girl won the war in Camila's head. She walks into the pink bedroom rejoining Daisy and her bodyguard. They continue drawing on the giant sheet of paper. Doodles cover every inch. Some making no sense, others melting into each other. Of course Lolo's infamous dragon makes an appearance. Camila's sad attempts at animals hang around the fire breathing creature. Daisy hums to herself, concentrating on her new set of shooting stars.
"You're quite the artist!" the new nanny applauds. For a seven year old she sure can draw. It's like she's a little prodigy. She'll have to ask Biggs about this the next time she sees him.
"Thank you." the little girl proudly smiles. "I'm hungry." she adds returning back to her master piece.
"Okay, I'll go tell Ally." Camila begins to stand.
"No. I will." the green eye'd girl stands before she does. "I'll be back baby girl." she runs her hand over the little one's head.
Daisy nods, too into her coloring. The new nanny watches as the body guard leaves the room, the negativity leaving as she does.
Camila returns her focus back to the little girl beside her. "Hey Daisy, what do you want to do tomorrow?"
"Huh?" her little voice mumbles do to the fact she has her tongue hanging out in concentration.
"We can to the park, or to the movies. Anywhere you'd like!"
Daisy finally turns her attention to the woman beside her. "Can we go skating?"
"Of course!" Camila replies, even though skating was the last thing on her list. She can't remember the last time she went to a skating rink.
After another session of chatting and coloring, the boot wearing girl returns. She informs them dinner is ready.
Camila doesn't know what to expect. Does everyone eat together. Does she take her food to her bedroom. She's not sure how any of it works.
The trio walk into the kitchen. Camila quickly notices four plates sit at the island in the middle of the room. Not sure, she hangs back in the doorway.
"Hey Camila! Come on in, take a seat. Don't be shy." Ally walks past her and into the kitchen.
She walks to the chair on the opposite side of Daisy and Lolo. The maid walks back over to the island bringing the food. She serves Daisy then the other girls and lastly herself.
Daisy watches Ally as she finally finishes taking her seat. "Ready!" she thrust a little fist in the air.
The maid nods clearing her throat. She recites the same prayer the little one said earlier. They all end it with an amen then dig in.
Over the course of the meal, Daisy talked about everything and anything. All three older woman engaged in her conversation too.
"....and we are going skating tomorrow!" the little girl's eyes light up in excitement.
"Who said?" Jauregui cuts in calmly.
Daisy points to Camila. "She did."
"Yes I did!" the new nanny smiles to the little accuser.
The body guard nods once before turning to back to Daisy. "Well come on, it's bath time." she rises from the share exiting the kitchen with the pitter patter of little feet following her.
Camila turns to the maid once they are both gone. "Hey Ally, what's wrong with..."
"She's just been through a lot of nanny's. But she looks like she likes you so you'll be fi..."