Chapter 2 ❤ Peer Pressure Can Break The Strongest Of People

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            My eyes flutter open only to be hit with beaming streams of light filtering through the curtains of the hotel window. I rub them furiously in an attempt to adjust to the daylight, but it fails. I flip onto my other side in a second attempt to rid my eyes of the burn, and I'm successful; but I come face to face with Harry. I had completely forgotten about last night.

            His eyes are still bright pink from the evenings events, and it all comes flowing back to me. The crying, the dreadful children's story, his beautiful innocence, and finally to my emotions. I cringe at the memory. I've been feeling this way for months; one day Harry is my best mate, the next day I'm bloody smitten over him. And quite honestly, I don't know what to think anymore. I'm so confused.

            I mumble to myself, "I need a hot shower." I look towards the bathroom door. I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind if I used his shower, would he?

            I slide out from under the sheets and swing around to plant my feet on the ground. I push myself off the bed as gently as possible, trying not to disturb the huge lump on the right side of the bed. My body forces itself into a large yawn as I push upwards into a morning stretch position. Time to get that much deserved shower; after all, it's a hard job being a nanny.

            I chuckle to myself as I enter the bathroom. I leave the door open a crack to hopefully maintain the temperature by allowing steam to exit. I drop my pants, not even bothering to look in the mirror. I turn the knob to the shower and pull off my shirt. I test the water multiple times before deciding it's safe. Not too hot, but not too cold. I drop my underpants and hop in.

            The water is delightful. A warm veil of liquid is draped over my body and I let out a moan that may sound a bit sexual to anyone standing outside the door. It's amazing, and I take in every last second of it. I wash my hair out with some of the hotel shampoo, and then scrub my body clean with the bar of packaged soap. It smells like mint, which is also wonderful.

            I'm technically finished the actual cleaning part of a shower, but I can't force myself to reach out, turn the tap, and stop this magnificent moment. So I stand there, not moving, not thinking; just letting the water flow over my body.

            Out of the corner of my eye I see the door fling open, and in stumbles Harry, still half asleep.

            "Um, Harry... I'm kind of busy!" I turn to face the wall. I know it's not usually a good thing to mess with Harry when he's just barely woken up, but he's intruding on my moment!

            He grumbles and bursts out, "So what, Louis? This is my bathroom and I have to pee!"

            I can't argue with that fact, so I groan and shut off the water. I reach for the towel and proceed to dry myself from head to toe. I finish my business as soon as Harry finishes his. We come face to face, and I notice the scowl on his face. Probably pretty damn close to the expression I have on my own.

            I walk past him and out into the room. I open the door and peek out; the hall is empty. So I quickly stagger down the hall, nothing one but the towel hung around my waist. I lunge for the door handle to my own room. No sooner do I wiggle the chilly, metal knob do I realize I need a key card.

             I look around, somewhat distressed. How am I supposed to get a key card? I'm assuming Liam has it, but I can't walk up to his door this early in the morning, and half naked at that! I glance down at my toes, and there, underneath the door, is a shining, plastic plate in the shape of a rectangle. My key! I reach down and pick it off the ground. There's a note, and it's from Liam.

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