Chapter 7 ❤ And The Torture Continues

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"Go down!" I yell at myself in frustration, standing in the bathroom stall of a local convenience store. It's been fifteen minutes since this mishap popped up, literally, and I'm just about ready to cut it off. I sigh out of annoyance. Why must this happen to me?

I hear the door to the bathroom open as footsteps approach the front of the tiny cubicle I've locked myself in. I look down to see the feet stop directly in front of it. A voice of curiosity pipes up from behind it, "Louis? Are you alright?"

It's Zayn, no surprise. He was there when I randomly bolted up and ran away like a total moron as far, and as fast, as possible. I reply, "Yes, I'm just swell," I rub my forehead, whispering the next word to myself, "Literally."

He chuckles, "You don't sound too convincing."

"It's just a small problem. I'll be out in a minute or two." Or three, or four, or twenty. Who knows how long I'll be stuck in here grimacing over my male problems.

He speaks, hesitantly and unsure, "Okay. I'll be waiting outside. Just holler if you need me."

"Okay. Thanks, Zayn," I say, wincing at the slight pain developing in my nether region. I hear him exit while I slump down onto the toilet.

Focus, Louis. You can do this. Just think of anything, as long as it's not Harry. I think of carrots, but it clearly doesn't help, considering the shape and size of them. I groan once more. You can do this! I think of fire, because fire hurts. I imagine the blistering pain that emanates from burns. I'm turned off immediately at the gut wrenching thought, and soon after, the tightness enclosed within my pelvic region begins to dissipate.

I look down to witness the bulge in my trousers vanish, and smile. It's finally over, at least for now it is. I stand up, unlocking the stall door and stepping into the large sink area. I readjust myself, making sure whatever monster was there before, is no longer visible. Looking at the tap, I reach out to twist it. Nothing comes out. I twist it even further. Still nothing. I grunt in exasperation, wrenching the tap as far as possible, and a jet of frosty cold water comes blasting out. I scramble to turn it off before the sink overflows, and it stops at the action. This just really is not my day.

I drop the idea of cleaning up a tad, striding for the door and heaving it open. Zayn turns to observe me emerge from the restroom, greeting me with a large grin, "I see you made it out of there alive?"

I giggle sheepishly, "Yep. All is well."

He grins for a few extra seconds before I see his eyes slowly fall to the ground. They stop around my general waist area, as my heart sinks into panic mode. Am I? No, there's no way. Play it cool, Louis. You already dispelled the evil down there. His eyes bolt back up to my own, "Uh, Lou? Is that... um..."

His words fall short as he shifts uncomfortably. He gives a slight gesture towards my pants, and I follow the line down to my crotch. I become instantly aware of the medium sized damp spot located directly below my waistband. I feel heat rise to my face, "No, Zayn! It's water, I promise you that! I swear it's not what you think it is!"

He stays serious; but slowly a grin begins to emerge. He begins to giggle, which soon grows to a chuckle, and finally to a bellowing laugh. "I'm sorry, Lou! I guess I made the wrong assumption. You were just in there so long... and you sounded as if you were in pain! I clearly jumped to the wrong conclusion! I'm sorry, mate!" he says, slowly beginning to compose himself.

I laugh to myself, "I guess I could see where you got that assumption from."

He sighs, finally ending his fit, "Come on, let's get back to the boys."

We exit the store, walking back to the place we had first arrived. I plop down, only to notice the other three emerging from the water and making their way back. I see Niall begin to taunt Zayn. "How about a hug?" he says, spreading his arms and slowly starting to approach Zayn.

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