The Funeral🌷⛪

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Mo'Niece POV : We Walked Inside The Church It Was Really Packed The Pastor Started Preaching And Talking About My Brother My Mother Sat In The Front Roll && Me And My Sisters && Other Brother  Sat Behind Her After The Pastor Preached They Shut My Brothers Casket And My Momma Jumped On Top Of It Me And My Sister Started Crying After The Funeral We Went To The Grave I Went Up To Talk And I Couldn't Even Talk After That Everybody Went To My House To Have The Reception I Went Upstairs && Laid Down I Cried && Cried && Cried So Much I Made Myself Sick I Couldn't Eat I Couldn't Even Get Up Out The Bed After Everybody Left Kentrell Came Home And Held Me He Told Me I Need To Eat I Told Him I Couldn't He Said I Brb I Said Why You Always Leaving ? He Said I'm Only Going To Get Your Surprise He Gave A Teddy Bear && Flowers And A Another Diamond Ring I Kinda Cheered Up It Took The Tears Away He Kissed Me And We Sat Up Alnight Talking && Playing Cards And Telling Him About My Sisters && Brothers && My Momma And He Told Me About His Grandma && Grandpa

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