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Alexandra's POV
I woke up and again Gabe was yelling "Alex get ready it's time for school!" He yelled "Alright! Geez" I yelled back. I get up from my bed and went to the bathroom. After like 5 minuets I finally got out and went to my room and I picked my outfit. I decided to wear my cropped hoddie and black leggings and my white vans and I put my hair in ponytail. "Honey breakfast is ready" my mom called so I went to eat my breakfast and Gabe too then after breakfast me and Gabe went out the door and went to school "just stick to me okay?" He said to me "why? I'm like your slave or something" I replied "you're going to met the squad." He said "you're now part of the squad" he added. I was really nervous and everything and also about the squad I'm really nervous and scared to meet them I hope that they will like me.
We arrived at school and I keep on following Gabe cause Gabe told me so. "This is Bailey, Tati, Boogie, Soni, Kaycee, Tahani, and Leanne guys this is Alex" Gabe said as he introduce me to some girls "Heeeey Alex nice to meet you starting today you're going to be part of the squad" the girls said "oh yeah starting today we're going to be besties" Bailey said then the girls agreed. I saw some guys walking towards us "This is Julian, Josh, Will, Jayy, Ken, and Sean guys this is Alex my step sister" Gabe introduces me to the squad. I saw Sean whose been staring at me and I admit he's cute. Gabe handed me my schedule and looks like all of us has the same schedule so we went to class

Sean's POV
Damn I saw this girl which happens to be Gabe's sister like damn those perfect eyes perfect hair well everything about her is perfect. I stared at her but she caught my eye so I stopped. Her name is Alex and I hope soon that we're going to be friends. We went to our class and I just found myself staring at her.

Kenneth's POV
Damn Alex is really pretty like she's perfect I saw Sean was looking at her and they made a eye contact and I saw how both of them blushed after the eye contact. I think I'm starting to like her which is weird because she is my best friends sister. We have the same schedule so we went to class since we're almost late

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