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Is a leap off a chair just to end it here,
This on is the end of all ends,
The one that'll kill you and you best friend,
And I'm sorry that its come to this,
I'm sorry that this is how we had to notice it,
All those time that you didn't laugh,
Man your eyes even lost their spark,
How could we let it come to this?
now we've lost the life of a great kid,
You made that promise ages ago?
But that's broken now and you're bleeding out?
you're crying out teas, yeah screaming for help,
But nobody's listening,
Man who could tell,
All this struggle you're going through,
How could we help if we don't even know,
That you were going through this yeah all alone,
But the truth here is that we could of stopped it,
We just to in denial to see,
All those times that your smile was forced,
And I'm sorry that its come to this
I'm sorry that this is how we had to notice it,
All those time that you didn't laugh
Man your eyes even lost their spark
How could we let it come to this, now we've lost the life of a great kid,
And now it's the day of your funeral,
They read out the note you left;
Dear mum and dad I'm sorry that its had to come to this,
I'm sorry that I'm such a misfit,
I can't handle this world anymore it's way to harsh,
I know you'll be happier with this,
That's what you said Man what a load of shit?
How could even you believe that,
I can't stand the thought of not having you around,
But I guess that not really a thought anymore now is it?
You aren't hear anymore are you we can't bring you back
Is this really the world that we're living in?
No one knows why you left us man,
But I know that we're gonna see you again one day.

You can do anything you want just please don't go

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