Strike a Pose

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This is sort of an imagine, but...

Keith and Lance have been dating for a while now. Lance adores seeing Keith smile, so he's always looking for ways to make him laugh. One day, Keith seemed particularly down in the dumps, so Lance decided that he would sprint ahead of him to be in the room first. He laid down a few feet behind the door, striking the most overdramatic, silly pose he could. When Keith walked in the room, he couldn't help but crack a smile and tell Lance that he was an idiot, pulling him to his feet and giving him a quick kiss on the cheek as thanks for making him feel better.

Naturally, Lance made it a thing. Almost any time they went somewhere, Lance had to get to the room first and make some silly pose to try and get Keith to laugh or smile. This goes on for a long time, continuing even as they enter their twenties.

One day, however, Lance is in a pose he's never been in before. Keith walks into the room and his heart stops for a moment as he looks upon the Blue Paladin, who is down on one knee, a ring in his hand.

"Will you marry me?"

Tell me what you guys think :3

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