Chapter 2

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Raeign's POV:

                     It was time to
go on an road trip. We past so many houses that we liked. There it was again the house on first street. As soon as i set my eyes on that house for the first time in forever i was in a daze. My mother (mrs,lansinie) looked back at me and soon asked do i like this house.

                     What do u mean
like i LOVE IT i soon said. Why is this house so special to u my mother said,well when i was four this is where i was found and i have imagined living here for almost eleven years. Well maybe next week this is where we will live. YOUR KIDDING RIGHT , i said. I recived no answer. I looked away with an huge smile in my face. Why are u smiling raeign my little sister asked. Well its just im in love with something very special to me. Oh live is strong right my little sister said

                      1 week later
it was time to move. I had everything i grew up with. From my dirty blanket to my first pair of shoes. We hoped in the car and drove 5 hours away. I didnt know the house that my parents picked.

                 5 hours later
we arrived. We arrived at the house on first street.My thoughts were full of excitment. There was only one thing stuck on my mind. People said that the house on first street was hunted. Allthough i did not belive them i would still sit there and think about it.

                I stepped out of the car holding onto my little sister's hand. She let go and ran to a tire swing hanging from the tree. I ran into the house and the first thing i thought was wow this is huge. Is this foreal or am i dreaming. I realized that my sister let go of my hand. I ran around to look for her. I found her in the bath room drowning herself under water. I SCREAMED. I ran up to her and pulled her from under the water. What is wrong with u i said. Haha we were just playing a game my little sister said.

                 Who is we i asked.
Me and molly my little sister said. The bathroom door quickly opened. My little sister screamed molly come back!!. Look what you have done raeign now she is upset at me. ENOUGH i shouted no one is up here except for me and u so please stop with the stories. Lets go to your room.

                    I dried my little
sister off and tucked her into bed.
I heard a slight baby cry. I ran up to the attic and saw a premature baby. MOM i said running outside. Yes sweet heart , my mom said. I just found a premature baby please help it. My mom and i ran up to the attic and we saw nothing. Stop with the games raeign. But .. but i swear it was just here. I think you need a nap said mom.

            I ran up to my room
thinking about if i had upset my mom or not . What have i done my mother has never spoken to me in that way. I dozed off to sleep. I woke up in the back yard. How did i get her i asked, something whisperd I brought u here. I woke up again and was in my bed. Thank god it was just a dream.

Was it a dream or is raeign actually whitnessing a paranormal activity????

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