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(Jules' POV)

  "I don't think she should get too deep into this... I need to stop her before she starts to read about the slenderman. And before she starts to find sightings of him"

  "I must try and keep this as a secret... She doesn't need to know that some people are being watched, that this stuff is real"

  I moved the camera and pointed it to the computer screen

  "Marble Hornets. The most popular one. Follows a few young men who start to get followed by it due to some college mishaps. How do I know this is real?"

  I sat the camera down in front of the screen. It was an Alabama news website.

  "College Tragedy. Alex Kralie, Jay Merrick, Brian Thomas, Seth Wilson, and Amy Walters are all confirmed dead. Alex, was found dead in the (Name removed) College building, with his hands on his neck. It was considered a stab wound.
  "Jay Merrick was shot in the lower abdomen. Near the stomach. Jay was found in the backyard of a burned down house. Brian Thomas was found dead in a river, he suffered many broken bones, so they assumed he attempted suicide, and obviously succeeded.
  "Seth Wilson was another shot victim, his body was already decaying. And he was located inside of a tunnel in Rosswood Park. Amy Walters had hand marks along her neck and hand marks along various other parts around her body. She was found in the tunnel with Seth Wilson"

  I clicked on another news report about everymanhybrid.

  "Jeffrey (last name unknown) was last seen tortured and killed by a man who nicknamed himself, Habit. The creature is unknown. But before he became Habit, the man was known as Evan (last name unknown). Evan will be convicted of many crimes whenever he is found"

  I clicked on one last site, Tribetwelve.

  "I don't know much about this one, nor do I think anyone knows much of this one. It is over all confusing. And it is down right disturbing."

  I closed the laptop.

  "All I know is that I cannot let Lilith know about these things. She had experienced enough in her past. Ever since—"

  The camera cuts there, and it ends.

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