Part 17 - Humanity's Final Stand (Part 2)

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Raven gave Shiver a slight nod as her icy lover engaged the fox eared maiden, then turned her attention to the beautiful half-maiden standing a little in front of her. Cinder flicked her wrist and the grimm attacking her burst into flames. She drew her bow and aimed at another approaching group of black eyed grimm, but they ignored her and moved to engage the androids behind her.

"Cindy!" John ran up to her and she backed off, making sure there was sufficient distance between them and the fights breaking out around the chamber. She smiled a little at John, then glared with murderous intent at Raven "So... you brought her here to kill me-"

"No!" the cat faunus pleaded "Please, we want to help you! You don't have to be afraid of Salem anymore! We can defeat her, together!"

She took aim at the red head "I see... alright kitty, we'll fight Salem together. But first I will take what is rightfully mine – the power she stole!"

"This power isn't yours! You stole it from Amber" Raven drew Cassy's longsword and slashed as Cinder fired. The arrow was cut in half and thrown to the ground. Without stopping, she held the longsword in her left hand and reached for her greatsword with her right. In a few heartbeats she was in range "so don't go acting all high and mighty!" she swung-


Cinder blocked the swords with her own blades, transforming her bow in an instant. "You... you ruined everything!"

"W-Wait, Raven! This isn't what we agreed!" the cat moved closer-

The red head screamed and pushed forwards, pushing Cinder closer to the edge.

"Cindy!" John called out, desperation filling his voice "D-Do you remember when you were a kid in Mistral? The cat faunus that helped you on the day you left? That was me!"

She blushed a little and shot him a quick glance-

"I don't know if I believe in fate... or destiny... but us meeting again like we did, it has to mean something important!" he continued.

Raven slashed with the longsword, attempting to disarm her opponent-

"NO!" the cat moved in closer, but too late. Cinder screamed in agony and clutched at her eye as blood and other fluids sprayed from her socket.

"I, um... s-sorry, I'm not used to a sword this light..." the red head blushed. She had genuinely missed and was attempting to slice at her opponent's shoulder. She laughed nervously as she watched the only hope of ending this peacefully vanish-

"MY EYE!" the dark haired beauty screeched. She waved her hand in front of where her right eye should be, but there was nothing. She rose into the air with flames of fury erupting beneath her as her remaining eye glowed with orange magical energy. With another scream she shot out fireballs at the pair below-

"Oh no you don't!" a blur of petals pushed Raven and John to the side. The red haired maiden smiled at the figure in a black dress and red cape: Ruby.

Cinder screeched and eye-shaped flame begun to gather under each of them. The flame seemed to scream as it erupted and a wall of fire burst out. John teleported, but a second too late and rolled on the ground once he reappeared, desperately trying to put the fire out.

Ruby dodged, leaving burning rose petals in her wake.

Raven had managed to hop back and avoid it easily. The memories the fragment had shared with her had helped her recognise her opponent's attack with just enough time to evade. She gave peace one last desperate chance, now hoping she could convince Cinder without disarming her first "Cinder! Enough of this! Please, we shouldn't be fighting each other! I know what you've been through-"

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