Chapter 2

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“Gatwick airport, how can you not go to the duty free designer stores” Macey said whipping out her purse and flashing 5 credit cards. “Ok Macey” Zach said “our flight boards at 18:00 hours so I suppose we could do a little shopping”

I switched on my chameleon and blended in with the holiday makers. Excited children, loud teenagers and unorganised adults surrounded us and my team and I just blended right in.

“Ok meet back at terminal 3 boarding room at 17:30 hours yeah?” Bex said.

The plane ride was long and tedious. I watched Macey unload (literally) her new stuff and give us items of clothing that will apparently look ’cute’ or ’hot’ and watch Liz get out her laptop and hack into the planes system to make sure it wouldn’t crash. At one point I must have fell asleep in Zach’s arms because he woke me with a gentle shake. “Cammie. We’re here.”

“I’m up. I’m up” I said bolting upright. 

The safe house felt cold, empty as we entered. The granite flooring and the bright white walls looked intimidating in the dim blue light before dawn. “Wow so this place looks really homely” Macey said sarcastically.  “It’s a safe house not a safe home” Bex retorted.

“And it will be our home for the next week or so. So get used to it.” Liz said authoratively as if she was tired of the argument.

“Well I call the big bedroom” Bex called.

“Honestly” Liz sighed “we graduated five months ago. Shouldn’t she have grown up by now?”

“Bex? Grow up?” Zach chuckled, with a smirk “are you thinking of the same person as me?”

“Hey I heard that” Bex yelled from the bedroom. “And you wouldn’t have me any other way.”

“That’s true” I said.

“I’m going to change” Liz said as a walked down the white hall that reminded me strangely of sub level two.

“Cammie, you should get some rest. We are due at the base in four hours.” Zach said stroked my hair

“No, I’m not tired”

“You say that every time it’s very irritating you know”

“Well I’m not going change now”

The CIA base was pristine and clinical. There were a lot of rooms along bright white corridors. We navigated the maze together in silence. Zach paused as he touches the door handle to the briefing room. The tension and suspense was unbearable.

 “So in short, find out what the Bratva’s next plan is and bring them down” agent Horowitz summed up.

As they walked out of the room they started discussing strategies.

“Well with the Intel we have we know that Macey could go on a honey potting mission in 4 days to the ball and we know where the base will be until they move so I guess we should act now” I suggested.

“We break in tomorrow then” Bex said.

“Ok, Liz do we need gadgets from here?” I ask

“No, I have it covered if I need anything I’ll hack Jonas he’ll have blueprints.” she replied

“Wouldn’t it be easy to Skype him and ask him for them?” Zach asked

“This is Liz we are talking about.” Macey said “Easier has no appeal.”

“Abort mission” I heard Liz called down comms. Zach and I were behind some barrels. (Of illegal vodka by the smell of it.) and Bex and Macey were on the ledge by an air duct. My mind immediately turned to what she could see that we couldn’t.

“I repeat abort mission” Liz called again but this time I could see why. Five men in suits with guns came out of the door directly under Bex and Macey. They turned. They obviously knew they were there and sent to eradicate them. Zach could see what I was about to do but he wasn’t fast enough he lunged at me to stop me. Pushing over a barrel in my wake I ran at the men. Zach now has no choice but to follow as my backup. I attack the closest guard with a round house kick and slapped a napotine patch on his forehead as I elbowed the second guard, approaching from behind, in the stomach. Zach took down another guard perfectly. We saw Macey and Bex running so we joined them. The two remaining guard were shooting at us. Everything was a blur. Next thing I knew Macey let out a piercing scream. The blood seeped out onto her black training shorts staining it a rich dark red. Her leg was definitely out of action. Bex hauled her into the van Liz was waiting in as Zach and I let out a huge burst of speed to cover the last 500 yards to the vehicle.

At home Liz patched Macey up. “You're lucky it didn’t sever the femoral artery” Liz said “that would have been a different story. Not just a patch up job. Even if you survived you would never work on the field again.”

“but that didn’t happen though did it. I’ll only be off for a few weeks max right?” she asked

“Yeah but who’s going to do the honey potting mission?” I stated worried we would have to be debriefed with nothing.

“Well certainly not me. I am rubbish, you saw me in 8th grade” Bex laughed

“Well Liz can’t do it she either cry or giggle all the way through it” Macey giggled.

Bex, Liz and Macey turned to look at me.

“NO” Zach yelled stepping in front of Cammie protectively.

“They are right Zach I’m the only one left” I said.

“No Cammie”

“Someone sound jealous already” Bex whispered to Macey. He must have heard because his back straightened and he cleared his throat.

“I mean it’s too dangerous. You could get hurt”

“Yeah right. Its Zach heart that will hurt” Macey whispered to Bex.

“shut up Macey”

“I’m sure I can take care of myself” I said in an assertive voice but even a spy in training could detect the slight waver in my voice that said otherwise.

“Cammie this is serious” Zach said. That tore it.

“Don’t you think I know that Zach. Don’t you think I dread it? I’m the one going in there. I’m the one doing the pretending. Fake flirting and seducing information out of them. I could by kidnapped, killed, tortured and all you can think about is your stupid ego. The circle of Cavan was real and I escaped. I know I can deal with it. And deep down so do you.” 

Zach stopped. He turned away. He swallowed hard like he was choking back and trying not to scream out.

“Fine. But I‘m being on comms”

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