Chapter 4

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Cammie's P.O.V

Zach seemed better now. More focused. Time is a great healer and you learn to accelerate it. I guess that's just part of being a spy. If we were going to be successful in the CIA he was going to have learn not to get hurt in the first place. That was the jeopardy of our lives. We were each other's weaknesses and we knew it.

We gave the information to the CIA and waited for the debrief. Everything could go back to standby mode now, let our guard down a bit. It felt nice to relax.

I went for a walk before we left. The debrief was simple although Zach's eyes were fuming. I walked amongst the early budding bluebells of Russian spring, their leaves brushing against my ankles. I thought about how dysfunctional my team was. But I wouldn't live without them, they are my little dysfunctional family and that's the way we like it.

The pain shot through me before the blackness descended. I had no time to react before I could no longer move.

"I told you we'd meet again" a sinister voice called out to me. All I could feel were the cool bars of the chair and the harsh grip of the handcuffs. I must have lost one of my ballet pumps when they took me because the concrete floor was smooth and freezing. The pull on my hair in the blindfold knot was uncomfortable and irritating so I was thankful when they took it off.

"Catherine. No. You... you died. I saw you die in the explosion. You never made it out of the school."

"my Zachy isn't the only skilled one in that department love." she replied with a menacing smirk. The way she described him as 'my' sent shivers down my spine. He wasn't hers. Not after what she had done.

"what do you want with me now?" I enquired.

"Well not much. The circle will never end no matter how many assassinations you perform. sorry to burst your little bubble but you did help me so I was hoping you could help me get my son back."

"Never. Ever. EVER!"

"Oh honey you don't have to agree. He will come for you. It's inevitable."

"Even if he does come back he won't stay."

"I will make him stay" she said with a stare that if looks could kill I would be doomed. About a thousand times over.

Zach's P.O.V

Cammie's late. Not extremely unusual but worrying none the less. She went for a half an hour walk, an hour and a half ago. This doesn't look good.

"I'm going to look for her" Bex said impatiently.

"I'll wait here with Zach and Liz, in case she comes back" Macey said.

"Zach ermmm I think Cammie's been taken somewhere. There are tyre tracks and one of her ballet pumps." Bex said over the phone.

An immense sinking feeling took hold of my heart. I went numb. I couldn't find any words so I dropped the phone into Macey's lap. Immediately I went to Liz.

"does she have a tracking device?"

"Err yes of course she does what do you take my for. Why?"

"Bex thinks she has been kidnapped"

"I'm on it." she said jumping into action "she had a new tracking device inserted with her last round of shots I gave her." a short silence of anticipation followed. The hope of her just being lost or escaping from attempting kidnappers was fading with every passing second.

"What?" Liz said perplexed which worried me even more because this is Liz. She never puzzled. "Ermm she's already flying over the Atlantic. It must be a privet jet."

"So she had been kidnapped" I said a feeling of realisation and finality hitting me like a high speed car.

"Yes. But by who. It can't be by the mafia they wouldn't take her to America."

"Where does it look like they will land?"

"I don't know but I think we should get going and track her." Liz said regaining her logical stature.

We left as soon as Macey's jet arrived. Luckily it was only stationed in Germany so it didn't take long. Liz had every gadget possible out. Macey was checking one of the laptops, refreshing every 0.78 seconds and Bex was co-piloting a.k.a yelling at the pilot to go faster.

"I have signal from her. " Liz said

"well get going grandpa" Bex yelled. The pilot was definitely scared of her.

I sat in my seat in silence. A millions thoughts raced through my mind. Who abducted her? What do they want from her? And most importantly, what are they doing to her?

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