Chapter 9

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Love! Can you define it?

Impossible! Yes, it's impossible to define this word under the confinement, of say, a million words! It's indescribable, it's limitless. You cannot understand its true meaning until and unless you have felt through it, passed through it. It goes the same as the knowledge of your theory subject and then the knowledge of your practicals, both of the things completely pole apart, mugging up the meaning of love is different and going through the hardships of it is a whole lot different story!

You read this word at many places, but you cannot know the in-depth meaning of it until you have not fallen in the depth of it!

Dev's love for Arvika was pure, for sure, but it had its own charm, possessiveness, and of course his madness for her. His fierceness, his confidence wasn't even a bit marred in front of his vice-principal, his parents, or even Arvika's parents whom he had met just a few moments ago.  

He sighed and pursed his lips into a thin line, not wanting to break down, standing right in front of her house where he could see the light still glowing in his love's room. Not having the heart to return back to his house as it was Arvika's last night here in Mumbai, Dev didn't want to go to his house, he wanted to just stare at her room's window, trying to recapture all the memories that he had created with her in this short period of his one-sided love. 

"I don't know how I will convince my heart not to miss you, I don't know how I will convince it not to just snatch you away from everyone else and hide you in my arms. Mom said I just have a crush on you, but only I know how deeply you are inculcated within me, Arvika. It's like you're the oxygen who has mixed in all parts of my body, my brain, my blood, my heart, every f**king thing."

"Mom has asked me not to be in contact with you, till the time you're of proper age, to understand whatever madness I have for you, so all I can do is wait for you, wait for you till you turn of the right age. F**king wait! I hate to say this, but I am letting you go for your own good, Arvika. I have known about your parents, how good they are, note my sarcasm. But, today, I am promising you one thing, Arvika, I will love you till the last breath of mine, even if you don't love me back," a tear rolled down his eyes, still staring at her window, in the hope of seeing her for once, just once. 

Only he knew how hard it was to bid adieu to her, like a part of him was being slashed away from him, inflicting excruciating pain all over his body, and the most on his bleeding heart. With a heavy heart and quivering voice, he had spoken the last verses to her, trying to stand strong but only he knew how big of a weakling and incapacitated he had felt that moment. 

"I don't want to go home, I want to follow her till the end," Dev was having an emotional breakdown now, reminiscing all the sweet, sour moments that he had cherished with her.

"All this is happening because of that kiss, which I had planted on your lips. That day I could have hugged you too to hide your bloodstain, but I knew the moment my hands would've touched your buttocks, you would've shrieked out loudly, calling for help, undoubtedly creating a much worse scene and that too in front of that bastard. And forget that, my mind was filled with only that 'kiss' word and later your bloodstain. And I messed up, really big this time. But one good thing happened, you are finally going away from this hell of a family of yours, you deserve a much better life Arvika, a much much better life," and the dam of his tears broke down, making him shed his pearl-like tears. 

Not wanting to but still compelled to, Dev finally left for his house on his bicycle. Secretly, he had sneaked out of his room from the backside door of his house, after thinking that everyone had slept, but he was so wrong, his father was waiting for him in the living room, with his one leg crossed on another. 

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