Chapter 15

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The night was still too young to get on the bed to welcome the dreams of skyscrapers and spiderman, Arvika's favorite movie. It was just seven in the evening, two hours still left for their dinner time, and forgetting the fact, a few minutes ago only they had their snacks already down their guts.

Both the girls were busy doing the homework which was given by their strict professor Mr. Krishnamurthy Reddy, their one and only Calculus professor, a subject whose name was spooking enough to make the non-engineering students run away as fast as Usain Bolt.

"Arvika, would you mind if I suggest you something?" disrupting the concentration of her wholly focussed friend, Kavya posited, tenderly.

A little uncertainty surfaced Arvika at her friend's sudden solemn question for advice out of the blue but still, she nodded her head at her, encouraging her to go on.

"Don't interrupt me, please, just listen to me of whatever I have to say, promise you won't interrupt?" precaution is better than cure, that's what Kavya was doing now, subjecting & manipulating her friend to the risks of breaking a promise. Arvika held the little finger of Kavya, pinky-promising her.

"Forget whatever happened in the past, don't lose your present to your past, it'll pain more. I know whatever he did was not acceptable but it's already over, it has been five years since that incident. You both are mature now, also he's our college's president now, so I don't think it'd be okay to hold grudges against him," Kavya knew Arvika was getting angrier and angrier with her words but she really needed her friend to get out the bog of past, which would drown her friend again if not attended with proper guidance and advice.

"Please don't misunderstand me, boo, I just want a peaceful college life with you, not an infamous goons-friendly life, we've come here to study and not to indulge in useless fights and grudge-competitions against our seniors or anyone. And moreover, five years have already passed, maybe he's mature now".

"Try to perceive from a political side of view too, Boo, other than your emotional and mental point of view. We're in the same college, we've to face him every day, he's our senior and I've heard how gruesome it can lead to if you've dared to make your seniors your foe, so please, at least not a friendship but an amiable junior-senior relationship with him won't be that hard, right?" like a true friend who sounded more like a caring mother right now, Kavya explained her silly friend who still was too naive and immature to hold the past whose fifth birthday they'd be celebrating this year or was it already celebrated?

"I saw how every senior were glaring at you when you had questioned Dev sir's warning, out of all the students present over there. This can turn really nasty, boo, we two have only each other's support in this college as all others are still strangers for us, so please for our sake, don't do anything that can harm and deteriorate us. And for your own mental peace, forget the past and focus on your present, all this gloominess and things from the past would only make you suffer more and more with its excruciating, undesirable effects," Kavya rubbed Arvika's palms that had turned too cold suddenly. She noticed how dilated Arvika's pupils were now, she was probably prudently pondering over her words, Kavya sighed in a little happiness.

"I think you're right," thinking with a rational mind, even Arvika too had come to a conclusion, better to end this 'Game Of Past' rather than lifting up the heavy load of the unhealthy past on her sleek, young shoulders. She too knew how ugly and nasty it could get if any senior would hold grudge against her, who would help her then? Every time she couldn't be brave and loud, this was her reality, not a fictional novel where she was the lead of it, fighting against every other person with ease. Real-life had problems far worse than depicted in any novels out there!

"A junior-senior relation won't harm, but not beyond that. I'll make sure of that," Arvika was determined but fear was still instigated within her, what if he'd do something like that again in the future.

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