Chapter 2: The Beginning of a Friendship~

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The Beginning of a Friendship~

"Hey Cole!" I greeted cheerfully, as I plopped down in the seat beside him.

"Hey," he mumbled.

Wow, that was it? No "Hey, how are you?" or "How's your day been?"

I pouted, disappointed.

I waited impatiently for class to be over with as soon as the science teacher began her lesson...

"Hey Cole," I nudged him in the shoulder, as I passed him a note.

I saw him open it up in amusement, and then reading each word carefully.

He then give me a weird look, before crumpling it up and throwing it away in the trash.


How dare he?

I glared at him.

And just what did the note say, you ask? Well, it read: "The science teacher is boring :P Don't you agree?"

Well, maybe that's not the best note, but still... I was attempting to start a conversation with him! Argh! Why does he have to be so fucking anti-social?

As I continued to glare at the back of his head, I heard the teacher call my name... Oops...

"Miss Parker. Please answer the following question, number 15. Name the scientific name for the bone in your upper leg." she smiled at me, all cunningly. She knows I don't know the answer. I'm so dead!

"Umm..." I began... "It is the... leg bone?"

The class burst into fits of laughter, and I felt a blush heating up on my cheeks. So embarrassing... Well, at least I tried, right? And it was a rather reasonable guess!

I glanced at Cole, and to my surprise, he wasn't laughing at me...

For some reason, that made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside... It was like I didn't care it the rest of the class laughed... As long as he didn't, I was fine with it... What made me feel this way? I honestly don't know myself either... There was just something about him...

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts when I caught myself staring at him the whole time... Oh god... I could feel my face starting to heat up again.

I blushed, and kept my head low. I could see him smirk from the corner of my eye. That cute boyish smirk... I blushed harder, and buried my face in my hands. I could feel my breathing fastening and my heart beating loudly against my chest.

Why was I feeling this way?

The bell rang, signaling the class to be over. To my surprise, Cole walked up to me, and handed me a note. I took it, not knowing what else to do, and stared at his back in disbelief as he disappeared down the hallway...

I blushed again, as I stared at the note in my hand. I gently opened it up, careful not to rip it on accident. It read: "Yes, the science teacher is very boring, indeed. Meet me at Wendy's today, with my friends."

I smiled, and continued to my next class, after tossing the note in my pocket. On the entire way there, I was grinning like an utter idiot the whole time...


It was lunch time, and I was at Wendy's. I spotted Cole and his gang at one of the tables, and I quickly headed over.

"Hey Cole!" I waved, as I rushed over.

He grinned. "This is Mariah," he said, as he pointed to a blonde haired girl with piercings, tattoos, and a leather jacket. "And this here, is Jack," he introduced, as he motioned to the muscular guy with a Mohawk.

I smiled weakly, "Hey, I'm Dianne Parker. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"OMG!" screamed the girl, as she cupped her hands around mine. "You're Dianne? I've heard all about you!" She gave a wink to Cole, and he just rolled his eyes.

Wait... HE TALKED ABOUT ME?!? I think I'm going to die of a heart attack... Oh god.... My face was beginning to heat up.

"Remember the day we met at McDonalds? Wow, that was amazing of you to do that!" she exclaimed.

"Do what?" I asked like an idiot. Then, it came to me. "Oh, yeah..." The sunglasses...

She smiled sweetly. "I think we'll get along just fine!"

I smiled back at her. I think I like her already... She seemed pretty nice. Her eyes were a beautiful gray, and her long blonde hair was tied up in a ponytail.

The Mohawk dude laughed. "Well, that's great isn't it? That you two get along."

Wow, these people are nice... I was expecting rude gangsters or something...

I smiled back at him. "Yes, I'm sure we'll become great friends..."

I glanced at Cole, only to catch him staring at me. It made me nervous, and I quickly turned away, only to find my face heating up again.

What's wrong with me?

Mariah saw this and smiled at me, all knowingly. "You two are so cute," she whispered in my ear. This made me jump in surprise.

"W-w-what?!" I stuttered, with my face a bright red.

She chuckled softly, then shook her head. "Nothing..."

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