Chapter 5

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Something in the brunette's eyes convinced Clarke to take the blade without complaint. Perhaps it was the war paint that laced her orbs, or the shallow glint may have perhaps housed a deeper meaning. She silently thanked the girl by helping her perform her tasks, the sound of stone on metal filling the silence perfectly as they sat across from each other.

"Often we feel weary
But he knows our every care
Go to him in secret
He will hear every prayer."

"I mean it, Lexa." Clarke spoke up as she felt like there was more to be said. "I am thankful for everything that you have done for me and my clan." She thought it odd that they were such a thing now, a clan.

Lexa smiled at her, and oh, that was such a beautiful sight. "Of course, anything for you."

Clarke held her breath for a short moment, and then released it, along with her nerves. Her heart began to beat faster than it had ever beaten before.

"I love you, Lexa."

"The leaves in the valley
They neither toll nor spin
And flowers bloom in spring
And birds sing."

The girl dropped the knife. There was silence for a moment when Lexa said nothing and Clarke merely stared at her, completely in shock at what she had just said.

And then, everything seemed to tumble out. "I've loved you for a while now. And I know that the last time that we kissed I let you down and I told you that I wasn't ready to be with anyone after Fin. But I'm ready now."

Lexa looked at her then, really looked at her. She looked into her eyes like she had never looked before, searching them for something she clearly thought she was missing. And then, she spoke, and everything seemed to fall into place.

"I love you too."

Her words were simple, yet they conveyed everything that Clarke wanted to hear, and she was completely enamoured with this girl. 

Lexa pulled Clarke onto her, and she wrapped her long limbed legs around Lexa's back, pulling her closer until they were chest to chest. Her lips fell onto the girl below her and then it was as if there was an explosion happening around them that only they could hear. As Clarke moved her lips against the lips of the girl she loved, fire heated up in her belly and she moaned into the kiss in bliss.

Clarke had been so afraid of Lexa's reaction all night, she had been so scared of telling her the truth. Yet, none of that mattered now, because Lexa had had the reaction that Clarke was looking for.

"Up from dawn till sunset
Man work hard all the day
Come sunday, oh come sunday
That's the day."

As Clarke listened to the song lull out, nothing else mattered in that blissful moment, but the music and that they had found each other.

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