Chapter 12

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Bella pov.

B. "Damon I'm fine how many times do I need to tell you that I'm fine".

D. "I don't like that they are here I know that you don't want Jasper, Rosalie and Emmett hurt but come on Bella why don't you just take today and tomorrow of"?.

B. "You know I can't Damon how about after school you pick me up and we can go to the Grill".

D. "Are you asking me on a date miss Swan"?.

B. "Yes I am Damon and of course Stefan will be there".

D. "Well then Miss swan I will see you later".

Once I have ended the call I make sure I have everything in my bag that I need and I leave Bekahs room, I go downstairs to the kitchen and I find Klaus and Caroline making out not something you want to see in a morning, "guys we get that you love each other but can you stop making out" Bekah says they jump apart, "good morning, Bella are you wanting anything to eat"? Bekah asks, "after seeing Klaus and Caroline making out I don't really want anything to eat" I answer, "Bella you need to have something to eat how about just some toast"? Bekah asks, "toast I can handle" I answer.

Once I've eaten my toast, Bekah, Caroline, Bonnie, Elena and I leave for school, we get out of Caroline's car "God their still here"? Bekah asks, "Yes they are Bekah and don't do anything to Jasper the blonde model and the big guy" Bonnie says, "fine".

After my first two classes I run into Jasper, "Hello Jasper" I say to him, "Bella are you alright, I know I shouldn't even be talking to you but I've felt your emotions"? Jasper asks, "I don't know how to feel Jasper it's a shock that you guys are here" I answer him, "but if it's alright after school on monday I would like to talk to just you if that's ok"? I ask, "that's fine by me Bella well shouldn't you be getting to class" Jasper says, "Yes see you later Jasper" I tell him before I make my way to dance class.

"Well done today guys and remember tomorrow is the dance" miss Rose says to us.

"Miss Rose can I talk to you a minute please"? I ask, "of course you can" miss Rose answers, "I'll do the dance" I tell her, "Really"? She asks,  "Yes".

Once School has finished I walk outside and I find Damon standing next to his car, "Hello Damon" I say to him, "Hello beautiful come here" Damon says, I move closer to him and he wraps his arms around me and kisses me.

We pull apart, and I feel people looking at us, "the Cullens are looking do you want to get out of here and go to the Grill"? Damon asks, "Yes" I answer Damon, We get into Damon's car and he dives out of the school car park.

Jasper pov.

"Guys how are we going to talk to Bella I want my best friend back" Alice says, "shut up Alice" Rose says and gets into Emmett's car, "I'll come back to the house with you guys if that's ok Rose" I say to her, "sure thing Jasper".

Once Emmett has parked the car we get out and walk inside the house and to the living room where Carlisle and Esme are sat, "Hello Rose, Emmett and Jasper how was school did you get to talk to Bella"? Carlisle asks, "no and I take it that Alice is still going on one because her walk in closet isn't big enough for all her clothes" Rose says.

"Yes but she can't get it through her mind that the other mansions are taken already" Esme answer, just then we hear the front door open, Alice comes in first then Edward does, "Dad, mom have you offered the people with the mansions to buy one of them"? Alice asks,  "Alice for the last time no we haven't and we are not going to because they like living in their homes because both the mansions have been in their families for like ever" Carlisle tells her.

"Jasper I need to talk to you" Rose says "Sure what's up"? I ask Rose once we are in my study.

"You've talked to Bella haven't you"? Rose asks, "Yes and Monday  after school we are talking just the two of us" I answer her, "right there are only you and Emmett that knows I like Bella and I really love the clothes she's wearing I'll have to ask if she'll talk to me where they are from" rose says to me, once we have finished talking Rose leaves my study to no doubt have sex with Emmett.

I sit at my desk and read a war book before doing my English and history that needs doing.

Bella pov.

"How are you really Bella"? Damon asks as him, Stefan and I are sat at a table, "I don't know Damon and I don't my life is just a mess and I have no idea what to do" I answer him, before Damon can answer Matt puts our food on the table, "how about you don't think about the what if's and enjoy tonight before I have to take you back home don't you agree Stefan"? Damon asks, "Yes I do agree and if you don't want to talk to them then you don't have to" Stefan answers, "fine and I will enjoy tonight and before you ask no I'm not telling you guys what dress I've got for the dance tomorrow" I tell them, "fine" they both say at the same time.

"I wish I could stay with you guys tonight" I tell them as we are standing in my aunt's living room, "me two Bella but we will see each other tomorrow and are you sure you can't tell us what dress you have got"? Damon asks, "i am not telling now give me a kiss before you two have to go" I tell them, once they have both gave me a kiss and they have left I go up to my room and get changed into my pajamas and I get into bed and read for a bit.

Edward pov.

"So Edward that is all you need to do to get Bella back and so that Jasper won't find his true mate" Alice says says to me as we have just finished hunting, "Really"? I ask, "Yes and even though we are true mates Edward we need Bella because of her power and Jasper because he's the major"Alice answers, "ture alright seen as the dance is tomorrow I'll see if I can talk to her, love you Alice" I say to my mate, "I love you two Edward and soon we will be the king and queen of the supernatural" Alice says, before she runs on ahead of me.

I don't really need Bella but if Alice and I are going to rule the supernatural then we need her power.

So what do you guys think let me know? Anyway please vote and comment-Jessica.

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