Introduction: The voices

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The voices started quiet. Just a few calming, loving notes singing chorales in my mind. But as I went on, though I learnt control, the voices overwhelmed and blinded me. I couldn't stand large crowds, the chaotic mess of thoughts. I knew far more than I should of, but couldn't retain much of significance from fogged places.

I force my eyes shut. My arm naturally trails up to my head, slipping underneath my pillow. I search for the low hum from the boiler room. Perhaps the soft whistle of wind shifting through tangled branches. I needed a constant sound to focus on, something concrete to keep me from drifting away. At night, when my vision is obscured by the enveloped darkness, I'm too sensitive to the voices. I sense their presence, they are heavy on my chest and tense my shoulders. I shield myself from the noise, clearing my mind as I slip into muddled blissful dreams.

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