Chapter 54

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The next day, I woke up earlier than normal to get ready to go to the rehabilitation center. Prince and I hadn't discussed what time he wanted to leave, but I didn't want him to have to wait on me when he was ready to leave. We normally work out around 2:00 everyday, but figured we would have to forgo that today. Around 10:00 I make my way to see if I can find him. I finally found him in his office.
"Hey I wasn't sure what time you wanted to go but just let me know when you're ready." I say entering the room.
He didn't look up from his papers and responded "let's just go after we workout. Maybe we can do it around 1:00 today." When he does look up he says, "Oh I didn't realize you were already dressed and ready. We can go soon. Forget the workout."
"No that's ok we can workout."
"Then you'll have to re-shower and everything. Are you sure?"
"Yeah it's fine. I didn't figure you would want to workout today so that's why I got dressed."
"It's my favorite part of the day momma. I don't want to skip it." He said getting up and walking towards me.
"Me too." I smiled. "And Lenny doesn't have to see me dressed up. He's going to get a kick out of the fact I'm working out." I say with a laugh. Suddenly Prince's demeanor seemed to change and he walked passed me out the door. "Ok just meet me in the gym at 1:00." He says while leaving the office. I wondered what I had said to offend him. It's like as soon as I mentioned Lenny he flipped a switch. Maybe he's just annoyed he has to drive all the way there and back today.
At 1:00 I go into the gym and Prince is already on the treadmill jogging. I quietly get on the elliptical and begin. After a few minutes and without saying a word, he stops the treadmill and motions for me to switch with him. Why is he so pissed?!
"Hey if you're too busy to take me today we can just go another day or I'll ask someone else."
"Why are you saying that?" He asked getting on the elliptical.
"I don't know you just seemed bothered or like you're mad at me. Did I do something?"
"No. I'm sorry. It's not you. It's just other stuff. Let's just do a little bit more here and go."
"Well do you want to talk about it? Maybe I can help."
"No. It's ok. Really. I'm getting out my frustration right now" he says and starts going faster. I walk over to the treadmill and turn it on. We didn't say another word and decided to skip the weights. We both took quick showers and I didn't really even bother to fix my hair or makeup.
On the way there I decided to see if I could find out more about what was bothering him. "So is what's bugging you have to do with Mayte. I know she's coming soon. Have you gotten everything prepared?"
"That's some of it I guess. I don't know I'm just in a funk I guess. Didn't mean to take it out on you. You are the last person who deserves that. I would have gone completely insane these last few weeks if it wasn't for you." He says and grabs and squeezes my hand for a few seconds before putting it back on the steering wheel.
"I feel the same way." I respond smiling. "So when does Mayte come anyway? Are you still wanting to proceed with the divorce?"
"She coming in about 2 weeks. And yes of course I am. Nothing has changed. Nothing is going to change. But I'm not sure she's going to be as easy about it as I first thought."
"Why is that? Does she want a lot of money or stuff?"
"She wants to stay married."
"What?! Really? When did she change her mind?"
"Pretty recently I guess. That's why the phone call lasted a little longer than I intended last night. She called to tell me she would be coming back on August 10 and making sure I would be here. Which was weird bc she hasn't cared if I was here or not the last few times she's come back. I told her I would be and I would be ready to talk about divorce. She started crying and asking if we could try to work it out. That she would stay for a few weeks and we could see how it goes."
"Oh." I said not being able to hide my disappointment. "But you don't want to do that?"
"No, I don't. At all. Plus I just find it all a little suspicious. I think her mom is filling her head with ideas."
"What do you mean? What kind of ideas?"
"Well I've told Mayte she could have the house in Spain. So it and everything in it will be hers. And she knows I'm going to give her enough money to live on. Modestly, of course, but more than most people in this world need to be comfortable. And she seemed fine with all that. I think either her mom is pressuring her to get more or now that it is finally happening, reality might be setting in and she doesn't want to give it all up. I don't think she actually wants to stay with me. She just isn't ready to give up the lifestyle entirely."
As much as the evil, manipulative side of me wanted to add to that theory and try to turn him against her, I just couldn't. I've never known Mayte to be like that. I think she honestly wants him. "I don't know Prince, she never came off to me like that. I think she really wants to save her marriage. Maybe she is starting to recover. Maybe you should try to see if old feelings will return. It's worth a shot right?"
"Not in my mind. I've moved on. I don't want o go back. And I feel like all she will do is take me backwards when I want to go forwards. And I told her that."
"What did she say?"
"She just started crying more and begging me and promising me she wanted to move forward with me."
"Well maybe she does..."
"So I just hung up on her."
"Oh my god." I said with involuntary giggle. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to laugh. It's not funny. You shouldn't have done that!"
"What have I told you about apologizing around me?" He said while pulling up to the rehabilitation center.
We entered and I saw Lenny sitting on a bench waiting for us. Neither of us seemed as eager to see each other as we had the last time. We casually walked up to each other and gave each other a quick hug and kiss. I felt awkward showing affection to him in front of Prince, which I which hadn't in the past. "Don't get fancied up for me or anything babe" are the first words out of his mouth. "Wow no drugs or alcohol must have turned you into an asshole." I shot back. "We were working out before we came so I didn't want to redo my hair or makeup after the shower."
"Who is we? And since when do you exercise?"
"Prince and me. We've been exercising together. It's not as bad as I thought. And I think I'm actually starting to get abs!"
"Yo man don't turn my girl into a muscle chick. That's a huge turnoff."
"I think she looks great no matter what." Prince responds with a slight look of disgust in his eyes.
"You think anyone with boobs looks great." Lenny laughs as he leads us towards the main living area to sit down.
We all sit down and it got really uncomfortable with nobody knowing what to say or do. Finally Prince breaks the silence and says "so what's it been like 45 days?"
"Yep. Half way there. Almost out of this hell hole."
"What makes it a hell hole?" I asked annoyed that even though he looks healthy, he doesn't seem near as enthusiastic as he was a couple weeks ago. Just like the nurse predicted.
"It's a hell hole bc it's not home. I'm just ready to leave. I know I'm ready. I don't think I need the full 90 days. Maybe I can leave after 60."
Prince and I both start talking over each other to try to convince him otherwise.
"No Lenny just do the full 90 days. That way you will have been clean longer and hopefully that will lead to better success on the outside."
"On the outside? Jensen I'm not in prison for fucks sake. I can leave anytime I want."
"Hey man that's not what she meant. The longer you stay here, the better chance you won't fall off the wagon when you do leave. And nobody wants that. It's just a few more weeks. Just hold tight." Prince interjects.
"Yeah maybe bro. We will see. Next time you come I'll have the therapist talk to us about it."
We all agreed to that. At least that meant he wouldn't be checking himself out of here for the next couple weeks. We only stayed a couple more hours but I was ready to go. I was ready to go within the first 10 minutes. Lenny was acting like an ass...or maybe he just is an ass and I'm just now realizing it. Or he's so unhappy he is being as ass. But if he needs drugs and alcohol to be happy then this will never work between us. I'm not even sure I care. If he wants to check himself out and disappear a part of me wouldn't even care. I just don't enjoy being around him anymore. The only reason I wouldn't want something like that to happen would be for Zoe. I need him to get better for her...whether he and I last or not.

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