Chapter 3

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I rushed into my apartment wanting only to be in my room. Aunt Mel opened her mouth,about to say something,but I just kept walking. When I got to my room, I quickly changed into some sweats and my old Advdnture Time t-shirt. I sat down on my bed and hugged my pillow. I laid there for a while,until I her a knock on the door.

"Can I come in,Ri?" Aunt Mel asked.

"I just want to be alone right now."

"Okay,love. Pizza is waiting for you downstairs,if you want any. I'm going to head over to Edna's for a bit. Love you."

"Love you,too,Mel."

I hear her footsteps going down the hall,through the living room,and out the door. I kept replaying the kiss in my mind over and over again. I just couldn't believe it. Isaac had been my first kiss. I know that sounds stupid,considering how old I am,but it's true. I had never found the right person,or someone I actually cared about. Hell,I don't even know if I care for Isaac like that. We been best friends for so long. I never thought that it was going to change.

I got up and padded over to my bathroom. In the mirror,I saw a girl with tear stained cheeks and a red nose. I didn't recognize this girl,only because she has never shed a tear after the accident. She always tried to be strong.

I wake up to sunlight blinding my eyes. I roll out of bed,and paddle my way to my bathroom. I brush my teeth and jump in shower. After just standing there and just letting the hot water hit my back, I pull on my Starbucks uniform and head out the door.

I unlock my bike lock and ride to Starbucks. When I walk in, I immediately meet eyes with Ryan.

"Look,Karina, I'm sorry."he tries.

"You have nothing to say to me. Oh,and hey! You can always go and talk to Cynthia,since you've already told her sooo much!" I shoot back.

He unties his apron and slams it the table,topping that off by storming out if the cafe. I sigh as I lay my on the counter by the cast register.


I hear the bell,telling me that a customer has just walked in. "You look sad,what's killing you?" I hear a sort of deep,raspy voice ring into my world.

"I don't want to talk about it,Isaac." I say,not lifting my head.

"Is this Isaac character you're boyfriend?"

I feel my cheeks redden and I lift up my head. When I see his face, I immediately recognize his green eyes,dark brown curls,and cheeky smile.

"Harry?" I stutter out.

"I guess we're at first name base,then."he chuckles,"What's yours?"

"Karina...Wolfe." I say,still not believing what was happening.

"I like that." he bites his lip,"What do you say,we get out here and maybe go to the pond down the street.

I debate wether I should go or not. Well if Ryan can storm out and leave,then so can I.

We start up a conversation about various things other than our own lives, which is a nice change. Then, all of a sudden, he gets really serious.

"What's wrong?" I ask. He looks down,like he's nervous,then the words tumble out if his mouth.

"Who's Isaac?"

"Oh, he's just a friend that I've known for a very long time." he still seems a little upset,but I have no idea why.

"Here, I'll give you my number if you ever want to talk." I give him a small piece of napkin with my number on it. I think about what I just did and suddenly feel stupid. Why the hell would Harry Styles want my number? He took it with a warm smirk and chuckled.

"Nevermind, you probably don't wa-" I say,but he puts out of reach,when I try to grab it.

"No. I want it." he says and looks me in the eye. I didn't notice how close our faces were and I feel like I'm lost in time,and I can't focus on anything but his green eyes.

"Um,well, I uh have to go back home." I say as I pull away. "See you around."

"Yeah. Okay." he says,trying to channel back his "cool". I start to walk home,when I notice something. Dammit! My bike was still locked up at Starbucks.

I ended up walking to Starbucks, picking up my bikes and I rode home. I kept replaying that wonderful moment in my head,so I wouldn't lose that warm feeling ,inside my chest. When I got into my sweats, I started writing again. I had a feeling. A good feeling,like something great was going to sprout from this seed and bloom into something complicated,but beautiful.


1.)What happened with Ryan?

2.) Harry and Karina?

3.) Hey! What happened to Isaac?

(soory if this was a short chapter, ToT)

Author's Note: A 1D Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now