Tickle Wars

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~ this is a super sort little fluff phan fiction, and its not the best thing i've ever written but i thought you all might enjoy it, i'm planing on starting a full fan fiction in the next few weeks so tweet me themes or story ideas (@glorioushowell) or tumblr inbox me then (gurl-gang.tumblr.com) ~

Inspiration: Dan has a huge tickle spot and Phil is trying to find it

“Phil leave it” Dan muttered to himself

“No, it’s funny, come on you know I’m ticklish on my toes” Phil cheerfully replied

“Yeah but you look cute when I tickle you, because you go all curled up like a little ball, I on the other hand look like a beached whale trying to wriggle back to the sea” 

“I bet you don’t, I reckon you look like a cute little fairy”

“What and that’s better?”

“Well Dan, you’re my cute little fairy so yes. Yes it is better, now come here” 

Dan budged along the sofa that Phil and him had been sitting on since the morning, and rested his head on Phil warm shoulder. Phil moved and placed his arm around Dan’s back and pulled him closer and with a gentle jab started to tickle his ribs.

“Nope, not there” Dan said with a certain air of cockiness

“Fine” Phil replied

Dan moved in closer to Phil and whispered – “Try lower”

Phil looked down at the Dan’s big brown eyes and half smiled – “Lower”

“Yes lower you loser”

Phil then moved his hands to Dan’s hips and tickled him there. 

“Phil, you idiot, who is ticklish on their hips?” Dan smirked

“Well you said lower, I went lower, I don’t know what weird tickle spots you have on your body. Nor anyone else, it’s not like I go to strangers on the street and ask – Hey you are you ticklish on your hip, because my boyfriend says no one is ticklish there and I like want to make sure he isn’t just winding me up”

Dan looked up and Phil and smiled – “Your boyfriend?”

“Yes, that’s you, you loser”

“I know but it’s just so cute, and I can’t get over you calling me that, I mean when we broke up in 2009, I thought that was it, no more late night phone calls, no more Starbucks dates, no more us and then we stayed friends, I’m still not sure how..”

“Because we are soul mates” Phil replied

“Soul mates, yeah something like that, and then last august when we went to that park in London and we were laying on the grass and I was looking at you and well I couldn’t stop thinking about just how much I wanted to kiss you, just how much I wanted to be with you”

“But, we went together last august?”

“I know it wasn’t till last Christmas when I finally plucked up the courage to kiss you again”

“That was a fun night, we played twister”

“Ha, yeah we did” Dan said looking up at his blue eyed companion and moving his head under Phil’s chin and pulling him in tighter

“God, I love you Dan”

“I love you too Phil”

Phil rested his chin on Dan’s head and smiled to himself, then moving his chin and body down to Dan’s level he kissed him.

“What was that for?” Dan asked

“For being you” Phil said

“Want to know a secret Phil?” Dan asked

“Hmm, yeah alright then”

“You have to pinkie promise not to tell anyone though” Dan said holding out his pinkie

Phil hooked his finger around Dan’s and said “I promise”

Dan pulled Phil closer and whispered “I’m ticklish behind my knee cap, but I swear to God, if you tickle me, I will not be held responsible for my actions”

Phil’s hand ran down Dan’s chest to his hips and then he smoothly ran it down his leg and pulled Dan in closer and whispered –“This is for your own good”. Then Phil began to tickle Dan, and Dan wiggled and squirmed to try and get free. 

“Keep trying babe, it’s not going to work” Phil remarked

And then Dan being Dan, he lowered himself and began to tickle Phil’s feet.

“No, Dan don’t please don’t” Phil shrieked

“Fine, call a truce, call a truce” Dan giggled out

“Fine, fine” Phil squirmed “Truce, god-damn it, truce” 

The tickling stopped and Phil pulled his hands around Dan’s waist – “I guess Mr Daniel that I now know your weak spot, and don’t you worry yourself, I will only use it on special occasions”

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2014 ⏰

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