Kyle's hands are very big.

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A/N- I hope you get what I mean, because that's the only explanation you're going to recieve. Go fuck yourself. (Just kidding. I love you. Probably. Please don't cyberbully me.)

Oh, and Willfuls are human murderers. Like, essentially the rest of the gang. But who gives a fuck? You want porn.


"Gee, Boss, what'd I do now?" Gretal questioned innocently, her hands being fastened to the back of a chair with a metallic clink.

Kyle glared down at her. "Don't start playing a fucking fool," She tapped her heel sharply on the ground. "You should know better than to test me."

"I don't think I'm testing you, Boss, am I?" She stared up at the woman above her, eyes big.

"You are. In fact, you have been all day." Kyle saunted around the chair.

"You thought that you could just start teasing me like that out in public? Start trying to feel me up in front of an audience?" She tutted.

"You've got some nerve."

"Oh, that!" Gretal bit the side of her mouth to keep herself from smirking. "..I'm ever so sorry, Boss. I just can't control myself around you. Especially when you're wearing something like that."

"I see," Boss pondered. "You like the suit, hm?" She flicked the tuxedo collar upwards, then lowered a hand to stroke the smaller woman's chin.

"Mm-hm," Gretal purred. "I do."

Kyle jerked the pale chin upwards all of a sudden. "The one time I wear something nice, you can't fucking handle yourself." She sneered. "How about you stop thinking with your cunt and start using your brain?"

"You're right, Boss. I'm just a stupid little slut. So sorry, Boss." She drawled lustily.

"We were there to observe. Make sure there were no willfuls around to cause any harm," Kyle put her hands in her pockets.

"Our primary objective was to blend in. But of course, you had to go and fuck it up. What is wrong with you?"

"...You're really pretty, Boss." Gretal smiled.

"Yes, and you're clearly tipsy." Not only had she spent the whole night distracting Kyle, Gretal had also felt it was a good idea to drink herself to the heavens. Or at least, pretend she had.

"This is why you should never take me anywhere," The pink-haired woman giggled.

"I'm starting to realise that now." The suited woman had a mysterious glint in her eye. "Perhaps I ought to help you-"

"Sober--" She smacked Gretal across the face.

"--Up!" She smacked the other cheek, much harder.

Gretal shook her hair out of her eyes and panted, that familiar stinging feeling shooting up and curling round her face.

"How do you feel now?"

"Ah...M-much better." She decided to push her luck.

"A-again." Kyle pulled her forward by her choker.

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