The Meeting

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My Stiles senses were tingling, when the new kid walked into our calculus class.  He was tall, about six something with messy black hair and vivid, sea-green eyes. When I glanced at him I felt like I was being examined, in fact it kind of reminded me of Dumbeldore in that way. He looked like a skater boy with his longish hair, worn jeans and slightly baggy hoodie but then he looked fit enough to be a jock.

He walked into the room avoiding eye contact, not in a nervous way but more as though he just wasn’t interested in us. He had this sort of underlying confidence about him. He didn’t slump his shoulders but he also didn’t appear to be cocky. It was almost as if he’d done this before, as if he almost seemed in his element.  I had this weird feeling of respect for the guy and I didn’t even know him.

The principal announced him and gave the boring talk about being nice and school spirit blah blah blah blah. When he leaves Mr. Holian points to the seat in between Scott and I. When the skater guy walks down the isle Scott tenses up. No one else noticed but because Scott and I have been through so much I notice an almost unrecognizable shift in his stature. I look again at skater guy and to my surprise he has also noticed. His pause is barely discernible but, emphasis on barely. His eyes flicker between Scott and I. His gaze is piercing and guarded, there's something there that unsettles me deeply and I'm not sure what it is.

He sits down beside me, and now I'm uncomfortably reminded of how skinny and scrawny I am. He is, in fact, very well built. He doesn’t tower over me, we would certainly be evenly matched if it came to a fight. He leans towards me and for a moment, I have an irrational impulse to run away and hide.

“Hi I'm Percy Jackson, I'm also book-less so do you mind sharing?” I nod and turn my book in his direction. He shuffles closer to my desk, and is silent for a moment.

“Sorry I didn’t catch your name?” I feel like such an idiot. This guy was just trying to make a friend and there I was giving him the silent treatment. What kind of a person am I?

“It's Stiles and this is my friend Scott” I incline my head towards Scott, who nods and gives him a friendly smile. Percy smiles back and we continue in silence. Half way through the lesson Percy starts to get fidgety and shuffly I recognise the signs of ADHD. Percy notices me noticing.

“Sorry I have  ADHD” he shruggs and resumes his shuffling.

“So do I” is my blunt reply. Percy looks at me and I see sympathy and understanding in his eyes but fortunately not pity. I feel a kinship with this strange boy. The class starts to over-heat and Percy takes off his hoodie to reveal a long-sleeved top. He starts to roll up his sleeves but then for some reason thinks the better of it and starts to pull them down hurriedly. Not before I catch a few raised scars criss- crossing his arm. My curiosity reaches its peak, but before I can ask him any questions, the bell rings and my opportunity is crushed. Everyone clears their books away and races to get to lunch. I'm half way out the door when I notice Percy standing behind, looking very much lost.

“Hey come sit with us at lunch” I call and he looks at me gratefully as he follows us down the hall.

Percy Jackson X Teen WolfWhere stories live. Discover now