Barney?! -Chapter 1

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Hi peeps! This is my first ever book and I'm gonna have so much mistakes so forgive me.

This book is not a good girl and bad boy love story, so it's not gonna be ..




AWWWWW....................... no

Sorry readers, this is not a romance book, well maybe a little bit. But if you want that kind of book then, BYE HAVE A GREAT DAY cause this is a humor book, hun.

Also, this is book is nothing like , " The bad boy's good girl," cause sadly we don't have Jordan, Dylan or Ben. Anyway, this is mainly about the adventures Grace and Kenneth grows through and they experience LOVE in a different way. Like I said, This love is a different story. (I'm gonna keep saying that cause it sounds cool, don't mind me)



"SHUT UP, BIRDS", I yelled at the little feathered creatures.

It was only 6'o clock, and they have to start singing, I ain't no Cinderella. But I do have the evil parents, because they had to make us move from California to New York. WHY? Because of my father's new stupid job, apparently now he owns some company. Yeah, yeah, I'm so proud of you dad, but why do we have to move, I miss my friends, wait, I didn't have any. Never mind, I don't mind, I guess I was just mad that I had to adapt to a new environment.

I went to my rose gold color bathroom, and did my business and stuff, like using the tooth brush and no further information. It was 6: 30 after I was done, I went downstairs to greet my people, aka my family.

Its been a week since, we moved, 3 days of trip so its been 4 days here. TA DA, I know my math.

As, I went downstairs, no one was awake, except my 9 year old brother, Felix. He was jumping on the sofa and watching TV. Don't ask me why, but I'm still surprised that he didn't end up in the zoo.

My brother had dirty blond hair like my mom, with blue eyes. And being the lucky girl I am, I was stuck with dark brown hair with light brown eyes. Did you notice the sarcasm. I mean, I'm not ugly, (I think), but I'm no Victoria's secret model either.

"What is you doing", I said to Felix, while taking the remote from the table.

"I'm learning stuff", He replied, trying to get the remote back from me.

"By watching Wipeout? Get out and stop jumping before you break something. Not that I don't mind", I said to him, while sitting next to him.

I was about to change the channel to something important, when Felix snatched the remote away from me and changed the channel to Barney.

"See, I'm learning stuff", he said, then looked at the TV, and replied grinning, "I'm learning how to count".

"Seriously, Barney. Aren't you scared of him. Last time you watched him was when you were 4, and you almost broke the TV when he started singing.", I said.

Felix looked at the TV, suddenly Barney and his "friends", started singing the numbers. Felix yelled, "NO", and turned the TV off faster than him running when he sees Ice cream.

"I'm gonna sleep, I don't even know why I woke up so early." He turned t o go up the stairs.

" Felix, tell mom and dad that I'm going out cause I'm bored and tell them I know my way out", I told him while I was putting on my white converse.

" Sure, I hope you get lost", said Felix and ran up the stairs.

Love you too, I mumbled to myself. As soon as I opened the door, a cool breeze hit my face like a bullet. It felt nice, the weather was good actually because these days mother nature is usually on her period judging by her moods.

Since, today was so nice, I ran to my room and got my soccer ball then ran back and locked the door. Hey, I might be a nerd, but I can play sports too. Don't be judgmental.

I walked, ok I ran with the ball by my foot. After a few blocks, I saw a park. The park was beautiful and what makes it even better, there was a soccer field. Well, maybe I'll like it here, I meant the park, by the way not the city.

I walked over to the field and tossed the ball in my knees. Then walked to a wall and kicked the ball back and forth. And guess what, with my luck, I tripped on a rock which cause me to kick the ball into a girl.

I got up and ran to the girl as fast as I can, " I'm so sorry, I tripped on a rock and I'm so sorry. Are you ok?".

The girl was short and had blonde hair with big blue eyes. She looked at me and picked the ball up and said, "Honey, it's soccer ball not a bomb and you should be worried more about your knee. You scraped your knee."

I looked down and saw my knee scraped, there was a little blood stain.

"I just got this jeans", I said to the girl. "kidding, I had this for about 4 months now and I knew something like this gonna happen. Grace".

I put my hand forward for her to shake it. Instead she gave me a quick hug and said, "I like you, most girls would have called 911 by now and by the looks of your soccer skills you should join Princeton High school, they have the best soccer team. Oh and I'm Emma."

"That's where I'm gonna go on Monday, I just moved in", I said to her.

"Yay, finally someone I might actually like. Most of the boys are perverts and stupid while the most of the girls are busy dropping their underwear as soon as they see a boy and then there's me looking at those idiots thinking how sad our world is". Emma said, sighing.

I put on my fakest smile and said, "Yay".

"Girl, that smile is faker than my social life", Emma laughed. "Anyway, I have to get going before my mom calls the police to look for me. Again. See ya.

I watched as Emma went the opposite direction, while I picked my soccer ball and started walking. I had to admit, the small scrap started to hurt a little. But if women can give literally "poop" a baby outta their pee pee, than I can walk a mile with a bleeding knee.

I went home, and checked my watch, its was 7:24, that means my parents are all awake. I tried to sneak in so mom and dad doesn't give me a lecture about the scarped knee, its not its my first time.

I opened the door, to find Felix siting on the sofa eating toast and his eyes went directly to my knee. He then put his hands into a fist and held it in front of his mouth like a mic and said,

"Ladies and gentle man, Grace Paterson".


Soooo, yea I know its long and boring but in my defense, this is my first book. But don't worry its just getting started.

Barney: Ready kids, count with me, 1, 2, 3, ..

Felix: Some one give me a gun!!

Grace: Your exaggerating, bro. Calm down.

Barney: starts singing* I love you, You love me, We're a happy famli-

Grace: You heard the boy, get the gun.

Emma: Screw the gun, call the Jurassic world people!

Um, ladies and gentleman, we are having technical difficult-

Barney: You look scared, author, would you like a hug...

Get the f......................

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