Chapter 1 - An Unlikely Meeting

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Nick had just sat down on one of the benches in Central Park in Alki-Morphedii. He rubbed his eyes. He was somewhat tired, but attempted not to show it. He had just broken up with Kirsten, a slutty Dalmatian who spent more time hanging out with her slutty friends than with Nick. He had enough of her and that voice. That damned voice of her that would never shut up. 

It was difficult not to think about her, however. After all, he poured his entire life into maintaining a stable relationship with her, but in the end, he knew it didn't matter.

It started to sprinkle. Nick looked up at the night sky, noticing the shine of the moon as it attempted to penetrate through the clouds, which were completely covering the sky. Earlier, he had prepared to walk out with his hoodie over his head. He decided against it though, and was instantly beginning to regret it. 

Someone, whom he didn't recognize, sat down on the park bench with an umbrella in their hand. They were preparing for a real rainstorm. Nick tried to get a closer look at the person, but wasn't able to since it would be too awkward to stare for several minutes. Instead, he just watched the rain drops hit the ground while he began to become engulfed in his own thoughts.


"Are you kidding me? What do you mean you're leaving me?" Kirsten had her arms crossed with messy fur, indicating that she had woken up not too long ago. She glared at Nick who held a stern look. "You know damn well why!" Nick responded. "You don't think I don't know what you do while you're out and about?" Kirsten became furious. She knew he was right but was too focused on winning the argument to admit it. "And what're you gonna do about it, you rat bastard?" Nick was outraged, he wanted to just hit her several times right then and there, but he managed to restrain himself from doing so. "You know what, fine! If you wanna continue to fuck every single thing on this goddamned Earth, then fine with me!" Nick stormed out the door, not wanting to deal with her anymore.


"You know, I could hear you guys from out on the street. What the hell even happened anyways?" Nick snapped back into reality, hearing a feminine voice beside him. It was the person sitting next to him on the park bench. He glanced over at her, confused. "Excuse me, but, do I know you?" The girl instantly replied back, looking over at Nick. "No, and I don't know you. All I know is that your slutty girlfriend back at that apartment fucked someone else and you found out. That's about it." Nick was in a daze, feeling slightly embarrassed that someone had heard them argue. The girl moved closer to Nick slowly, looking away as she did so. "However, if you do want to know me, now's the time." Nick hesitated, he broke up with Kirsten recently and he wasn't sure if jumping into another relationship was something he wanted to do. "Well, sure I guess. My name's Nick, pleasure to meet you, Miss--?" The girl glanced back over at Nick. "Name's Quinn." She extended her hand for a handshake. "It's a pleasure to meet you too."

Nick shook hands with Quinn, still not quite sure what he was getting himself into. "Listen, I know you just had a recent break-up with that girl recently, but, if you're willing to do so, we can go for a date..." Quinn blushed, she wasn't sure whether or not she took it at the right pace. Nick sighed, he hesitated before saying anything else. "You know what, fuck it. I'm in." Quinn smiled. She hadn't expected him to say 'yes', especially since she just met him. "Oh, uh, well..." Quinn nervously said, "How about tomorrow at The Lunar Well at 6 pm? I'm tired as well, and instantly going into a first date would put more strain on me than I would like to admit." Nick nodded, smiling. "Alright then, It's a date!" He stood up, putting his hands in his pockets as he walked on quickly, hoping to get back to his own apartment before the rain really came down.


Aaaaaa, geez this is so bad, but I don't care, I had fun doing it! I'll be writing Chapter 2 tomorrow, so any feedback would be appreciated!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2017 ⏰

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