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This guy Shiro wanted me to meet was oddly hot. He actually had the perfect model build. Tall, tan, but he dressed oddly. A feather that attached to a black earring? Bandages around his throat, oddly loose, black nail polish and black threaded bracelets, big blue hoodie and black skinny-fit jeans. A black high-top converse on the left foot, a red one on the right. I kind of liked his style.

I smirked a bit as I looked him up and down. I was a bit bothered by the few inches he had on me but he was still pretty damn hot. "Are you a model?" I asked him curiously. He almost cracked a smile. "Tch, as if." His voice was so.....stuck up. "Models care for no one else, they're annoying and assholes. Meanwhile I'm glad being small town with my three best friends." He said and that's what caught me. He really was different this gorgeous man was so different. And I liked him for it.

I looked at Shiro then was a bit startled when Lance made a retort. "Shouldn't you be fucking Allura or some shit?" He sounded irritated. Shiro just chuckled at Lance's retort. "No, now get to class before you're late you little shit." Shiro said before walking off towards his apartment.

"What the...." I looked at Lance utterly shocked and dumbfounded. "Shiro's not uptight dipshit. He won't lose his mind at me." Lance said before walking with Kasai to class. Everyone knew Kasai, the gorgeous woman who always hangs with the weird kids, not to mention she was dating Ashton Faye. They were the stupid power couple of the school, Kasai Valentine and Ashton Faye, the amazingly hot couple that's been together since grade school.

Though, to be fairly honest, she seems more interested in Lance Westbrooke (I know that's not his last name bare with me). Which, somehow doesn't surprise me. They've been best friends since diapers.

Ashton always refuses to see his girlfriend's fondness of her best friend. Especially because she's more fond of Lance than she is Ashton. I shrugged and walked to class.


I hummed quietly to myself as I did the stupid schoolwork our teacher had assigned. Class ended in less than 5 minutes and I was glad. I needed the lunch break.

I glanced up to see Ashton doing his work, Lance glanced at me and I waved with a smile. He returned it and we went back to our work.

The bell finally rang and I packed my things up and walked to the door then waited on Lance. Ashton brushed my shoulder as he passed into the hallway. Me and him spoke less and less day by day. It didn't bother me because he wasn't exactly the ideal boyfriend.

Lance walked up to me and I smiled. We walked to our usual lunch area, which was the bleachers, to find Pidge and Hunk already there. I smiled and waved at them as we walked up. Typically Lance just nodded and sat down on the bleachers.


I sighed and stared at the sky while the others chatted about god knows what. Usually I'd join in and we'd laugh about jokes but currently my mind was occupied by the boy Shiro had forced me to meet. Keith I believe was the name of the mullet head. I hated to admit but he was actually really hot.

I felt a sharp but subtle pain in my side and snapped back to reality to find Kasai poking my side. "You dead?" She said doing it again. "Ow Kas that huuurts." I whined and moved away. She chuckled at my whining. "God you're such a big baby." Kasai said smiling at me.

"So how about a movie night? Hunk and Pidge said they're going on a date and I'm gonna be bored." Kasai said before tying back her long black hair. The hair reminded me of.... Keith. I looked at her. "Uh, sure." I nodded which made her smile.

"God if I didn't know you two you were best friends I'd say you act like a couple." Pidge said looking at us. Kasai rolled her eyes. "Hush it Pidge." She said.

"You know you do." Pidge said smiling at us. This time I rolled my eyes and sat up. "Why do people think that a guy and girl can't hang out unless they're dating? Seriously what the hell." I said looking at Pidge, my brow raised. She cracked up laughing and Kasai chuckled slightly. "What's so funny?!" I said looking at the two.

"You're face. The expression geez!" Pidge croaked through the laughter. I stared at the two laughing girls. "Assholes." I mumbled thankful to hear the bell ring. I got up and walked to my next class irritated by them.


"Lance!" I turned to find Kasai running after me looking like she was going to tackle me, which she occasionally did. "Kasai...don't....tackle...." I said just as she launched her body at mine causing me to fall and get the breath knocked out of me. "God dammit..." I mumbled once I caught my breath. I heard some obnoxious giggles and looked to see where they'd been coming from.

"Oh my god.....Kasai....cheating.....weirdo..." Was all I could hear of the girls giggles and gossipy whispers. "Kasai lets go." I said standing up then looking at her. Strands of her hair had fallen down from her pony tail and she tucked them behind her ear after standing up. "Yeah... Let's go watch some the movies, thank god for Friday right?" She said smiling at me.

"Ignore them." I said quietly to her once we got to the corner where the tea shop was. Kasai looked at me with a smile that could kill. "Doesn't matter. Ash means nothing really. I haven't really spoken to him, like real conversation since grade school." She was sincere when she said this. "Besides, I think I prefer women." I felt my jaw drop.

"Whoa, really?" I said shocked, she nodded and smiled. "Awesome!" I said picking her up and smiling. "That's awesome for you!" She chuckled. "Alright, alright, put me down." Kasai said laughing a bit. I smiled and set her down.

"So when do you plan to tell the others about you're little man crush?" She said smirking as we continued down the sidewalk towards my apartment. "What?" I looked at her, feeling heat rush to my cheeks. Her smirk grew.

"You know what I mean." She said smiling. "You've got a man crush." Her smirk was wide. My face got warmer.

"Okay, on w-who then?" I asked hoping to get her caught in this.

The name seemed to just slide off her tongue. "Keith."

x x x

Sorry for slow updates!
I'll try to update every weekend but I've recently been loaded with schoolwork and haven't had allot of me-time so please forgive me fore being slow on updating. It might have to be every other weekend rather than every weekend but I will try every weekend!

On the upside spring break's a week away and I will probably update a butt ton during that week since I tend to not do allot on breaks but only time will tell.

See y'all!

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