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just for fun


present day

a tearful jiyeon ran back toward the table, grabbing her purse and slamming some cash onto the table, scaring the living daylights out of jungkook and taehyung.

"woah, what's wrong?" is what jungkook meant to say, but with his mouth stuffed with food, all he could manage was a weak "whafff wongg?"

jiyeon smiled through her tears as she tried to collect herself and control her emotions before she started crying hysterically and hiccuping.

"i'm sorry, jungkook, but i think it's for the best that we stop seeing each other from now on," jiyeon sniffed loudly, trying to find the right words through her pain and heartbreak.

jungkook choked on his milk and spluttered, "why?" (but it's not that he really cared tbh)

taehyung gaped with his jaw wide open as he looked from jiyeon to jungkook and vice-versa. this was better than any korean drama he had ever watched.

jiyeon completely ignored jungkook's question and walked away, saying, "you only smile for her, and i want you to smile everyday because you are the most breathtaking when you smile. i fell in love with your smile, and i want you to be with the girl that truly makes you happy. i'm sorry for everything."

jungkook watched sadly as she walked away. it's true that he never loved her, but she was a good friend, and jungkook felt guilty that he had caused her so much pain due to his selfishness.

"damn, she got you," taehyung joked dryly, "but where's areum at?"

jungkook shook off thoughts about jiyeon (he would end up reflecting upon his actions towards jiyeon every night for the next month, his insides crawling with guilt every time); his main focus was getting his areum back.

"speak of the devil, and she shall appear," areum waltzed back to the table. her eyes looked a bit red and puffy, as if she had shed a few tears too.

"did you cry?" jungkook asked softly, reaching his finger out to brush her puffy eye bags.

areum laughed and nodded. "you know, i was wrong about jiyeon. she's not a total bitch."

"but you are," taehyung stuck out his tongue. he was always one who was prepared for petty insults. "you know you shouldn't cry because you're really ugly when you cry."

the comment earned a slap from areum as she erupted in giggles. taehyung always made her feel better when she was down.

jungkook could only watch in envy as taehyung comforted her. they really were a great match, and sometimes jungkook could only wonder why areum chose him.

"so areum... breakfast is on you?' taehyung winked as the check came by.

"i hate you so much," areum seethed. "you play so dirty. i thought you were really going to kiss me!"

taehyung smirked, "you wish!"

"pardon?" jungkook narrowed his eyebrows. "what're you talking about?"

"we were doing a staring contest to see who would pay for breakfast, and this idiot — " areum glared at taehyung who simply smiled innocently, " — decided to get me to blink by trying to kiss me! i hate him!" areum whined as taehyung laughed in triumph.

"it worked didn't it?" taehyung flashed a victorious look to jungkook. "i just wanted to rile up your little boyfriend here and make him jealous. revenge is a bitch, isn't it?"

jungkook sighed in immense relief. "fine, fine, you got me."

"so are we a thing now?" areum winked playfully at jungkook. "for real this time?"

"nah, you just my side hoe b — " jungkook pursed his lips in seriousness, but immediately burst into laughter as he saw areum's crestfallen face. "gotcha."

"are you crying again? oh no, i'm sorry, baby. i love you," jungkook pulled areum into his arms and pressed a loving kiss onto her head. she was finally in his arms, and he planned to keep it that way. jungkook wiped the tears from areum's face and saw her smiling mischievously.

"hah gotcha."


just a cute, funny chapter to get away from the depressing ish

hella long hiatus , but i'm back my bros !!!!!! i missed you people but i've been playing bball all day errday :') i break my own ankles when i run tbh

this story is almost at the end lolol . but hopefully i update soon and thanks for all the support .

i love you guys :))))

bts concert on april 1 ???

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