♡Chapter 1♡

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There is no perfect lover, we are all flawed, but knowing those flaws and still loving with all your heart creates perfect love. one will never look further than another. If a heart is a flower waiting to bloom, love is the only sunshine it needs, But sadly enough there are many who don't believe in love.They have been so hollow inside that they think that love is just a fake emotion.The power of love brings hope, yet at times the steps toward love cause pain and those towards a life of loneliness are comfortable in their familiarity. We are born to love and with all necessary courage to walk the path to it, no matter the roughness, no matter the hardship.This man, in particular, had love but it slipped through his fingers.Since then he swore never to love again, of course, he has no power to stop himself from loving.

Kim NamJoon was a troubled man.If you could call him a man.Long ago he became a ghastly looking person, hiding within a cloak. He had magical powers, the strongest Dark magic in the land, with a single rhyming lyric a person's wish would be made true.He would go around to those who called his assistance and granted them their wish.But there was a catch, for all magic comes with a price.You can't receive without giving, and there was no way escaping the deal.Once the deal is struck you're stuck.For instance, A king was in the royal throne room, worry evident on his aging face.There was a horrible war.A war between the horrible man-eating ogres and the kingdom.The king wanted the bloodshed to end and have protection for the villagers.He was currently waiting for a special guest, one who has the power to end the war with a snap of his fingers.That being Namjoon or known to the rest of the world as rap monster.Y/n, the king's daughter, sat next to her father holding his hand in comfort, as he sighed.y/n wasn't beautiful in a classical way, no flowing golden curls or ivory skin; no piercing eyes of green with hints of blue and brown here and there. She was shorter than average and certainly larger than a catwalk model, but in her ordinariness she was stunning. Something radiated from within that rendered her irresistible to both genders.Pretty as a princess.Soon the golden ivory doors burst open and a cloaked figure with two palace guards walked in the throne room.The king stared at the cloaked man, studying him."Are you rap monster?" he asked. The cloaked man lifted his head, the hood covered his eyes, so only part of his nose and lips were visible.A smirk was plastered on his face as he slowly walked towards the king, his leather boots resonating with every step he took."That be me." he answered.The king stood tall as his eyes followed Rapmonster's every move."I want to make a request.The ogre war has destroyed many lives, my people a frightened to the core. what I ask is for this war to end."Rapmonster fiddled with the magical quill pen he carried that seal every deal he ever made" And what do you have in exchange ?after all, all magic comes with a price."The king's eyes shot open, and his cheeks went red "I sent a chest full of gold when I requested your presence, And you want more?!"The king raised his voice, obviously mad.Rapmonster remained unfazed by the king's sudden explosion." about that." he started" I have no use for gold, silver, copper, or any treasures."

"Then what do you wish for?I'm sure we can bargain"The king stated as he stood face to face with rap monster."What I want is her"Rapmonster said as he pointed to y/n who was watching the scene unfold before her from the start.Her e/c eyes went wide and her jaw dropped."Me?" she asked confused.Why on earth would the most powerful being on earth want her?

"You see, I live alone in my mansion, so I have no maintenance, the place is dusty, so I want her as a maid,"Rapmonster said as he looked at y/n through the hood.

A man dressed in royal clothing sat up from his seat on which he was observing. His eyes clouded darkly, his eyebrows furrowed and his lips in a shape of a serious frown " absolutely not!" The man boomed." The princess will not go with you "

" gaston" Y/n spoke loudly enough to stop the man from speaking any further, whom is also, her 'beloved' husband-to-be.

"I'm afriad the princess isn't part of any deal." The king spoke out " is there perhaps another thing you desire?" He tried to bargain.

Rapmonster hummed and tapped his foot on the ground as if in deep thought " no" He mockingly said with a sinister smile " I said what I wanted and that's final"

" I'm afriad I will have to decline " the king said with a straight face and his head held high.

"Then there is no deal," Rapmonster said as he turned his heel and started to walk out the room until a voice stopped him."STOP!"y/n said as she ran after him."I'll go"

"y/n!Don't go." the king pleaded to his daughter

"You cant go! not with this monster" Gaston spat out as rapmonster put a hand to his chest,acting hurtful to the word 'monster'.

"I have to father."Y/n said, as her eyes never left a still rap monster" people will die if I dont"

" Dont play the hero y/n. There's other ways."Gaston grabbed a hold of her arm and pleaded to her.

She shook him off and shook her head " It's far too late for that. I'm not playing the hero gaston. I'm just trying to prevent more lives from being destroyed. I've made my decision."

"All you gotta do is sign and the deal is struck,"rapmonster said, with a snap of his fingers a magical contract and the magical quill appeared before y/n.Not pausing to consider the options she grabbed the quill and signed the contract.

"The deal is made, and now you belong to me"

Beauty and The Monster (Rapmonster x reader-Fairytale AU)Where stories live. Discover now