Like Killing Stalking. Without the killing.

18 1 3

David POV

It was pathetic. It was hopeless. It so very wrong.

Growing up in a catholic family, I was always tough to resent these kinds of feelings. To be repulsed by the way a man could look at another man. 

But I couldn't help it.


He has such thick chocolate colored curls. Deep, very deep brown eyes, so easy to get lost in...

He was popular. With ladies and had so many people that admired him. He was sociable. He was dependable. He was smart. And most importantly, he was so out of my reach. Not just because he had a girlfriend, but also because he was everything I was not.

"Oi! Hellooooo? Earth to David!" I was pulled out of my Ben inflicted thoughts when my only friend Hayley waved a hand in my face. (Hayley is a character designed to represent Molly and I as one person)

"I told you not to wave hands in my face when i'm zoned out! Or next time I will do it you!" The second I shouted I realized we were still in Maths.

"David! Next time you feel like making an out burst I will send you straight to study hall!" Our teacher yelled at me.

"My apologizes." I hung my head low trying to hide the embarrassment.

"^I swear to fucking god. If you ever wave a hand in my face I will break the fucking thing in two.^" Hayley lent over and whispered. (^ this means Im quoting either Ben, David, Scarious or I. Right then i was quoting both Scar and I)

I blocked all the unnecessary things out and focused on one important thing in my life.


The way he was so popular. And the way I was so nonexistent. I always laughed at myself. It's so much like Killing Stalking... without the killing and less of the stalking. I hope.



Thank you so much for the support and Ben or David, if your reading this, hope yo enjoyed just as much XD -Scar

Indeed XD -Molly

BYE!!!!! -S+M

P.S because I'm an otaku I put the killing stalking reference in there. Don't feel stupid if you have no idea what it is. It is a manga (Japanese comic i suppose you could call it) and I highly do not recommend even searching it up. -Scarious 

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