Chapter 1- Just a dream

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Clarize's P.O.V

Here I was sitting at the edge of the bed, bawling my eyes out. Logan doesn't like me. He hates me. It was all just a dream.

Dreams are a bad thing, especially if you are in love with someone. They will make you feel a million different emotions while you are sound asleep.
It's actually kinda creepy.

I decided to ask my good friend Sydney if she knows what I should do to get over Logan, I mean she got over Ryden in like 5 seconds.

Clarize: syd u awake

Sydney: I've been awake for 2 hours

Clarize: good, cuz I need help with something

Sydney: what now 🙄 please don't say it has to do with Logan.

Clarize: it does ;)

Sydney: boi just get over that weirdo already.

Clarize: that's what I need help with


Clarize: lol but can u come over because we may have to do some research or calling

Sydney: sure, I'll be over in 10

" hey I found this wikihow article on how to get over your crush" she told me. "Finally" I had sighed as it took her 45 minutes to find the article.

"It says to ignore him and get away from the crush." But isn't that what I've been trying to do these past 3 years. I mean we are in 8th grade now. I've been doing that since 6th grade.

" it looks like I've told you to do these things ever since sixth grade, Clarize. This is not going to work out."

What does she mean by "Not going to work out" I HAVE to get over Logan, or my life will stay ruined.

I get that Logan is a stupid, little jerk. He friggin stapled an open bag of chips for god's sake! Have you ever heard of a CHIP CLIP.

My life is officially ruined. And it is all Logan Von Wall's fault ;(

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