Museum hiest

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Jay, Carlos, and Sheever were getting settled in their room. " This room is so bright. I hate it! Nothing is dark! " Sheever yelled angrily. " Jeez man, calm down. " Jay said. Later that day everyone gathered in Jay, Carlos, and Sheever's room for a debriefing. Carlos was busy playing a video game when Mal and Evie came through the the door. " Finally, lets complete the mission and get the wand. " Everyone was getting distracted, except Sheever and Mal. " Do I have to remind you what we are all here for? " Mal asked annoyedly. " Fairy god mother blah blah blah. Magic wand blah blah blah. Jay replied playing the same game Carlos was playing. Evie laughed. " I think you and me are the only ones that care about this. " Sheever whispered to Mal. " I hope not. " Mal whispered back. " This is our one chance to prove ourselves to our parents. To prove to that we are evil and viscous and ruthless and cruel. Yeah? " Male said. " Yeah. " Everyone said back. Everyone took a seat near the round table. Evie took out her magic mirror. " Mirror mirror on the ... In my hand. Where is fairy godmother's wand? Stand. She said. The wand was in the museum of cultural history. " 2.3 miles from here. " Carlos said showing everyone the computer screen. Everyone left to the museum. " I could use my lightsaber to cut open the door. " Sheever said. " " No. If you did, everybody would know someone broke in. " Mal said back. Jay and Carlos started going about how dorky Maleficent's spinning wheel was. " Magic spindle do not linger make my victim prick a finger. " Mal chanted. Nothing happened. " Prick the finger prick it deep send my enemy off to sleep. " Mal chanted agian. The security guard walked to the spinning wheel and pricked his finger, falling into a deep sleep. Jay was about to kick down the door when Mal chanted a spell to open the door so Jay could tumble to the floor. Sheever laughed. Everyone went up the stairs but all they found were statues of Their parents. " Once we take over the world, I'm going to have my father's statue built here. " Sheever said. " Well, wands not here. Let's bounce. Let's go. " Jay said. Sheever, Jay, Carlos, and Evie left to go find the wand. Mal stayed for a little while for some reason. After finding the  wand Evie was sent to go get Mal. " I wonder what Mal is doing. " Sheever said. " Beats me. " Carlos replied.Evie came back with Mal. Jay tried to grab the wand but a force field knocked him back. " Oh come on! " Sheever said slashing at the force field with his lightsaber. " Way to go Jay. Now we have to go to school tomorrow. " Mal said annoyed.

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