Chapter Eleven

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Hello! Here is chapter 11 and I am very excited! I'm dedicating this chapter to... ABBEY! Because I don't think I've dedicated one to her, yet... And I love her! :D

Anyways... ENJOY <3

(I really recommend listening to the song on the right! :D .. IT'S A GOOD ONE.)


-Lisa's POV- A Few Days Later...

I looked at myself in my full length mirror, and sighed. Grabbing my hair on the side of my head, and scrunching it in a ball in my palm, I scruched my nose up. I took my hand off my head, and slumped my shoulders.

I'm starting to think why Kendall would date an... ugly girl like me. I'm not the skinniest girl ever, I have... pimples, and I'm just... Not good enough for him.

Groaning, I stomped over to my closet, and pulled out a baggy, grey sweater. Then, I pulled out a pair of basketball shorts and threw them on. After that, I threw my hair in a messy ponytail, and jumped on my bed with my song book. I opened it up and tapped my pencil on the empty page.

"I'm so ugly, why would a guy like Kendall like me?" I sung to myself, then laughed at my stupidness.

I've been having these thoughts for a couple days now, me feeling really insecure. Being a singer can be fun, but not when people say mean things to you, and make you feel like crap.

I should really stop thinking about all of these negative thoughts...

I love Kendall. Why can't I just tell him, and why can't he just tell me he loves me back? I love him, but I feel like me being ugly will make him not love me back... I just want to be his everything! Wait a second...

I quickly looked down at my notebook, and started scribbling down some lyrics.

I wanna be your everything and I'm one step closer, yeah.

There was a knock on my door, causing me to look up.

"Lisa, it's me," Kendall called through it, causing me to smile.

"Come in!" I sat up, and he walked in... Carrying his guitar!

"Hello, beautiful," he said, shutting my bedroom door. I sighed and shook my head. "Is anyone here but us?" He asked, sitting down next to me, and laying his acoustic down softly.

"Nope." I shook my head. "Just you and my uglyself," I said simply, shrugging.

"Lisa, what has been up with you, lately?" My boyfriend asked, looking at me sadly.

"I don't really know." I sighed. "I've just been feeling... Insecure and unpretty lately."

"Well, I hope this song I wrote you will help you change your mind," Kendall said, smiling. He pulled his guitar on his lap, and my eyes widened. He winked at me, before starting his song and strumming the guitar.

***I don't know why you always get so insecurei wish you could see what i seewhen you're looking in the mirrorand why won't you believe me when i saythat to me you get more beautiful everydaywhen you're looking at the magazinesand thinking that you'll never measure upyour wrongcause you're my cover covergirli think you're a superstar yeah you arewhy don't you know?yeah you're so pretty that it hurtsit's whats underneath your skinthe beauty that shines withinyou're the only one that rocks my worldmy cover girlohmy cover girlohyou walk in rainboots on a perfect summer daysomehow you always see the darksideand everythings okayand you wear baggy clothes that camoflauge your shapewhoa ohbut you know that i love youjust the way you're madewhen you're looking at the magazinesand thinking that you're just not good enoughYou're so wrong babycause you're my cover covergirli think you're a superstar yeah you arewhy don't you know?yeah you're so pretty that it hurtsit's whats underneath your skinthe beauty that shines withinyou're the only one that rocks my worldmy cover girlYou gotta heart of golda perfect originalwish you would stop being hard on yourself for a whileand when i see that facei'd try a thousand waysi would do anything to make you smilecause you're my cover covergirli think you're a superstar yeah you arewhy don't you know?yeah you're so pretty that it hurtsit's whats underneath your skinthe beauty that shines withinyou're the only one that rocks my worldmy cover girlwhoamy cover girl

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