Chapter Thirteen

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HELLO! I'm here with chapter ... 13! :D I know last chapter was... sad, but we'll see what happens in this one >:)



-Kendall's POV-

I looked down at the picture frame that held a picture of Lisa and I. I kept it under my pillow, and whenever I was sad, I would look at it. In the picture, we were smiling and she had her arms around me. That was just a couple days after we started dating, and we were happier than ever.

Sighing, I put the picture back under my pillow, and stood up from my bed. I decided to get some fresh air and take a walk around Palm Woods park. I probably would've went to the roof to clear my head, but too many memories of Lisa and I were shared there.

I left apartment 2J and walked to the elevator. It dinged and I walked in, leaning against the wall. The doors soon opened, and I walked out into the lobby. I started making my way out to the park, when a voice spoke.

"Kendall!?" Could it be...? I turned around, and came face to face with a smiling Jo Taylor.

"Jo?" I said. "Jo Taylor, Is that you!?" I asked smiling, and she nodded. She ran into my arms, and jumped into them.

"Kendall, I've missed you." I let her down, the smile still on my face.

"I- I've missed you, too," I replied, a picture of Lisa flashing through my mind. "So, the filming is over?" I asked, as we sat down on the couches in the lobby.

"Yep! I'm free to stay back here in LA."

"That's... great."

"I know!" She smiled. "How about I go take my stuff back to my apartment, and we take a walk? You know, catch up on things," Jo said, and I nodded as we stood up.

"Okay, sure. Meet you in the park," I replied, and she smiled, kissing my cheek. I watched her as she walked towards the elevators with her luggage, and stepped on. Sighing, I stuffed my hands in my pockets and walked to the park.

-Lisa's POV-

I stepped off the elevator, and was about to turn the corner, when I saw Kendall and a girl talking. My eyes widened, and I stepped back, peeking my head around the corner. I was too far away that I couldn't hear what they were saying. Then, the girl kissed his cheek! I gasped, then covered my mouth as I backed up and leaned agaisnt the wall.

He's already moved on?

Tears brimmed my eyes as I took my hand off my mouth, and that girl walked passed me to the elevators. I looked at her; she was really pretty...

She gave me a small smile before walking into the elevator. I peeked back around the corner, and Kendall was gone. I frowned and leaned back against the wall again.

"How could he do this to me?" I asked myself quietly, as I looked down at the floor and a tear slipped out of my eye.

He's moved on, he's moved on. I kept telling myself. He doesn't care about you anymore.

Man, I have to do something to get him off my mind!

Think, Lisa, think... Basketball!

I used to LOVE playing basketball, and I was always on a league before I became a singer. Maybe I could try out for another team, and try to forget about Kendall! Sighing, I got into the elevator and went up to my apartment.

"Hello," mom greeted me as she stood at the stove.

"Mom, I wanna sign up for basketball." She looked at me, oddly.

"But, Lisa, you're already really busy with the studio, writing songs, and pretty soon you'll be doing con-"

"Mom, I don't care. I can make it work," I said. "Just please, sign me up for another league." I looked at her with pleading eyes, and she sighed.

"Fine, I'll look." I smiled and let out a silent "YES," only for her to start talking again. "But..." I groaned. "You still have to work hard on your singing career."

"Yes, absolutly. I'll do anything to dribble a ball again," I replied, and she smiled.

"Alright, good girl. Now go wash up, dinner is almost ready," she told me, and I nodded, running to the bathroom.

After dinner, I went to my room and jumped on my bed. I laid down on my back, and stared up at the ceiling. It got pretty boring after a while, so I propped my elbow on my pillow to sit up, only to hear a cracking noise. My eyes wided, and I quickly reached under the pillow, pulling out a picture frame. It held a picture of Kendall and I, our expressions happy, and we were grinning from ear to ear. He had taken that picture of us on the roof, a few days after we started dating.

My eyes started to water as my finger traced the crack in the glass. A tear fell out of my eye when I looked at Kendall. 

He looked so happy. I looked so happy... We looked so happy.

More tears fell from my eyes as I opened my nightstand drawer, throwing the frame in it, and slamming it shut. I pulled my knees up to my chest, and sobbed into them, rocking back and forth.

I'm starting to regret breaking up with Kendall, but things happen for a reason. It's my fault that we're over, and I know it.

That night, I laid in bed, thinking about him, and I cried myself to sleep.


SORRY it's so short, and SORRY about the sucky ending.

But I hoped you enjoyed it anyways! :D lol

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-Hannah Henderson<33333 :)

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