Chapter 1: The incident

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No ones POV

"Gumball wake up we really messed up this time!" shouted Darwin slapping Gumball in a moderate way.

"I'm awake stop, stop. stop!" what it's so important Darwin?" Gumball held Darwin's hand while he tried to figure out what was going on.

Darwin started packing all the things for school "We are late for school dude if we don't get in time this time they might send us to detention... again!"

Darwin started to have flashbacks about that last time they went to detention and started to freak out even more until Gumball calmly put his hand on his brother's shoulder

"Darwin my silly brother, I think you forgot something"

Darwin raised his brow with a confused face "What? What could I have forgotten, look the backpack I even packed my rubber rule"

Gumball rolled his eyes "Darwin look at the date" said Gumball confidently

"It's 23 of August" Of course it is 23 of Augu... wait what? Isn't it 23 of July?" Gumball now started to freak out just like Darwin

"Dude how could you forget in which month you live" Darwin said as he tried to remain calm

"Bro I forget about everything, remember that time when I forgot to..."

They both just went silent, and the only sound they were able to hear was their bus leaving.

"We are screwed" said both with a death serious tone.

"No! as long as there's hope we shall never give up, come Darwin, come with me and let's defeat the punishment of our own laziness, are you with me bro?" said Gumball while he grabbed his backpack and turned to look at Darwin's eyes.

"You are such an inspiration bro" said Darwin with a tear in his left eye.

Darwin's POV

"Wow Gumball it's always such a determined guy, i don't know if he is like this because of his boldness or because he is so... oblivious, anyways, he is my brother and I love him the way he is, I wonder how are we going to get to school in time"

Gumball's POV

"Man I can't get into any more troubles, I already have to deal with my parents being mad at me because all of the troubles I always get into, and... everything it's becoming so difficult, i have been having this constant feeling of being worried about something, but I don't know what it is, agh! I don't have time to think about this how am I going to get in time to school? I can't be late, but how? No one can take us there and we won't make it in time by running."

No one's POV

The two boys were running trying to defeat the flow of time, both trying to figure out how to get there in time, until they saw Mr. Dad is leaving to work and the Gumball had a bright, but crazy idea.

"Dude I know how we are going to get to school in time" exclaimed Gumball with enthusiasm.

"How bro, we can't let him know we are late?" asked Darwin.

"Listen I have an idea but we must act quickly, do you trust me bro?" said Gumball by extending his hand toward Darwin.

"Ok bro I trust you"

They both started running before Richard stepped on the accelerator and grabbed themselves from the back of the truck, they both had two pieces of metal below them. Richard took off and the kids started being dragged by the car.

"Look Gumball we are close to the school we need to stop here!"

"But how?!"

"I don't know!" Darwin started to question himself if it was a wise decision to follow his brother so blindly"

"We have to let go! It's the only way!" said Gumball as he let the car go and stopped gently

But Darwin doubted, and he didn't let go until he felt like there was nothing else to do, unfortunately Darwin let himself go just too late and a car was heading towards him at the moment he decided to let himself go.

"Darwin noooooooo!" said Gumball as he lost sight of his brother once the car passed through.

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