Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

Birthday Gift

" What do you want again,father!?",shouted Drew.

"Stop yelling.My gosh...",muttered Mia.

"You're here cause you need to buy a present for your mother and her birthday is next week,Drew...",said the King.

"Alright then.That's it,right?",said Drew.

"Yes and the gift has to be something she likes!",shouted the King.

"Jeez.... lower your voices people....",said Mia.


"Ok...Buy your mother a birthday present Drew!",said the King.

"Fine...",said Drew.

We exited room and went to the hallways.Drew put his hands in his pockets and started to look down.

"You know Drew,you can just give her a gift from the heart..."

"That's too much thinking for me,Mia..."

"Gosh...when you become King Drew,you need some knowledge in your head"

"I know cause your going to be there right?"

" I am not sure about that Drew cause you'll never know what's going to happen..."

"Oh I see... to the SHOPS then!"

We went to different kinds of shops and different kinds of places.Drew tried to pick a gift but then he put them and pick a better one.I wouldn't help him cause he has to learn himself.

After a few minutes,Drew bought a beautiful necklace.The necklace had sapphires on it and it has the all the shades of blue stones.I was amazed that Drew found it without my help.We were going to the castle and Drew said," I found the present and what do I have to do now?"

I sighed and said," You wrap it..."

"How its in a bag?"

"The necklace.Put the neck in a small box..."


The gates opened and we went in.As we're walking in the castle the guard shouted " Mia... THE ASSASSINS ARE COMING !! "

Me and Drew looked back and there were like 4 of them.Drew ran in the castle to hide the necklace.I spawned in my dual blades and waited for them to come at me.

"Give us the necklace!",said the first dude.

"You can't defeat us!",said the second dude.

The other two kept quiet cause they were embarrassed and then one of them had a bow and arrow.He took the guard tower and ran a little faster.I charged at them and fought.

* * *

After I beat the 2 dudes,the other 2 are little better than the other dudes.

"Give us the necklace and we won't harm you...",said the first dude.

"If you don't... we'll just kill you...",said the second dude.

"No",i said.

I charged towards them and they did the same.Our swords clashed together and looks came.

* * *

As we were fighting,Drew came out of the castle and started to run towards the fight.I looked back and I saw Drew coming.

"What are you doing? Stay inside!"

"I want to help!"

"You have to-"

Drew spawned in his sword and started to fight the assassin.I dodge the other dude's sword as I was watching Drew and I changed my dual blades to my scythe.

"Wait... you're the Royals Pet..."

I nodded and said," So would you to continue our fight?"

"Nope.We're out of here!",said the first dude.

"Yeah! We're not fighting a demon!",said the second dude.

Two of them dragged their partners to the woods.Drew was breathing really hard and little cuts. I treated his cuts and he smiled.

"What's the smile for?"

"This smile was my first battle..."

"Well,wait for a better battle and me training you..."

I smiled and we went back to the castle.

" were is the necklace exactly?"

"Oh I gave it to my father and he said that mother would love it..."

"Well,thats good!"


"....Well you know how to get stuff for your future girlfriend....",I said under my breath.

"What did you say Mia?"


I ran ahead of him and I turned around to look at Drew. He was smiling and so did I.

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