Chapter 7

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Chapter 7:


They were running in the hallway and Linda's family had to stop to catch their breath.

"You are not taking us somewhere safe,are you?",said Linda.

"Yes I am,to a room that doesn't have booby traps.",said Mia while facing Linda.

"Why don't you just set off the traps?",said Linda's mother.

"The assassins check every room to make sure they aren't disarmed or forgot to put traps in.This is why queens should stay put and not go anywhere.",said Mia with a serious face and looked away.

"Why I never! Is this how your guard,treat the royals?",said Linda's mother.

"Mother,please calm down.We just have to bee safe.",said Linda.

"Linda...This guard has rude manners and how can you not punish them?!",said Linda's father.

"Does your family have manners or you don't have manners?",said Linda's mother.

"Being silent now.I guess you really don't have manners.",said Linda's father.

"Let's go West's and leave this poor guard.",said Linda's mother while pushing's Drew's family to the other direction.

"Go ahead and leave me.See what would happen if you can handle them yourselves.",said Mia while giving them a smirk.

"I can protect the West and our family.",said Linda's father.

Drew looked back at Mia and looked forward.Mia looked at Chiyoko and waited until they reached the end of the hallway.Mia told Chiyoko to unfreeze time and Chiyoko wasn't sure why,but she did it.The families were standing there and looking at their directions.They saw assassins running across their left,right,and in front of them.The fathers took out their swords and fought.Mia was just standing in the middle of the hallway and watching them fight.As they were fighting,their mothers were standing in front of their kids and a assassin came through the right to kill the family while the fathers were fighting.Drew took out his sword and killed the assassin,but he didn't see the other assassin in front of him and another assassin coming for Linda.Their fathers saw the assassins and their mothers went in front of them to block the attack.Mia threw her swords at the assassins which saved them and walked towards them.They looked at Mia with relieved faces and with pale faces.

"Protect yourselves and the family as well?",said Mia.

"We're sorry....for saying those things to you.",said Linda'mother.

They were apologizing and Linda saw a assassin charging behind Mia.

"Mia,behind you.",yelled Linda.

Mia turned her back and waited for the assassin to swing at her.When he was going to attack,Mia took one of the dead assassin's sword off the ground and stabbed the assassin in the stomach.Mia told Chiyoko to freeze time again and she did what she was told.They apologized again and they started to continue what they were doing.After 10 minutes,Mia found a room that didn't have any traps and they went in.There was a lot of chairs and closets in the room then Mia had an idea.

"I'm going to leave you guys here and you'll stay here.",said Mia.

"What if the assassins come into this room?",said Drew's mother.

"Then get into these closets and make sure you fit in.Lock the door so you'll have more time to get in the closet.",said Mia.

"Why can't we just go with you?",said Drew.

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