Chapter 1

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" MAYBE YOU SHOULDN'T OF COME THEN" screams your mum, whilst throwing a wet sponge at your head but ducking before it hits you. "THEN I'LL LEAVE IF THATS WHAT YOU WANT" I reply back. I storm up the stairs missing one as I go. 'Ah there it is' I thought to myself finding my bag. I get the bare nessessities: money, Oyster card, clothes, underwear, toothbrush and toothpaste, laptop, laptop charger, phone, phone charger, earphones and earbuds, perfume, deodorant and hairbrush. I sprint down the stairs and make a scene about leaving. By that I mean slamming the door until the house shakes.

I head towards the nearest train station, stopping to get my Oyster card out and head onto the train. SHIT! I dropped my earphones on the floor.
"Sorry to bother you but I dropped my earphones near your foot is it ok if you could pick them up?" The raven haired man leans under the table and removed them from the floor.
"Ah here you go. A little bit dusty but you could always clean them when you get home." Home. Hearing the word home makes me tear up a little. One tear rolls down you cheek.
"Hi I'm Dan and that's Phil." The other man says. He offers to shake my hand so I do. "Anything wrong? You seem to be on the verge of tears." Presumably Phil asks. "Not that I am aware of right now." I reply trying to keep it together.

"I guess it's time for me to introduce myself then?" Getting a small laugh from Dan and Phil. " I'm (Y/N) and that's Caspar the friendly ghost." I say sarcastically pointing across from me. "So what brings you here to London?" Dan asks "My 18th birthday is tomorrow. And I would be at my friends house but I'd rather spend it in an anime shop weeabooing over all the things inside. Simultaneously Dan and Phil's eyes light up "SAME!!" They shout at the same time gaining a few stares. "What the birthday part?" I ask, my voice thick with sarcasm. "I know it is a long shot but if you don't have anywhere else to go for your birthday would you like to stay at our flat? We've got a spare room and it would be pretty awesome to have another person in the flat." Dan asks whilst staring into your (E/C) eyes. "That would be awesome. So what do you say (Y/N) come and stay at ours, having a anime filled day?" Phil says excitedly. "Yes, yes I would love to OH MY GOD thank you so much!!" I say drawing more attention to all three of you. "Who would refuse an anime filled day?" I say rhetorically. "Good because this is our stop." Dan says with relief. All three of you get off linking arms and skipping. "This is amazing but also exercise and I don't do exercise" I say breathlessly and laughing at the end. "But it's only a few meters ahead." Phil whines. "And the stairs Phil, the stairs!!" Dan complains "Wait how many stairs?" I ask with confusion. "There are 22 floors and we decided to live on the 22nd floor. Was not the best idea in the world but it happened." Dan explains dreading the stairs of death. "So lets climb these motherfuckers" I say with more enthusiasm than expected.

~~~~~~~Le time skip~~~~~~~

"Me and Phil are at the top Dan! Come on only a flight left." I say coaching Dan but to be true I'm panting. Finally Dan reaches the door, nearly sweating.


THUD! Did Dan walk into the glass door again? I look towards the kitchen. Nope not Dan and instead it was
(Y/N). There's blood. "Dan get some tissues (Y/N) walked into the kitchen door!!" I shout as loud as I can. "Don't worry I'm fine, there's just a little blood. Actually fuck that a lot of blood. And I think a broken nose."
(Y/N) says in pain. Even with a potential broken nose and a lot of crimson blood dripping from her face (Y/N) for sure still looks breathtakingly beautiful. "Dan finally you have the tissues!" I say trying to not sound annoyed at all.

Phil Lester X Reader: One bed, Two peopleWhere stories live. Discover now