A Not So Regular Story - Chapter 1: Meeting Up

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Hey, my name is Angel, Angel Moon. I'm a regular teenage girl and this is my story and no one ever tells the story of . . . the regular girl.

I woke up this morning like I did any other mid-summer morning, looking around slightly confused for my alarm to turn it off. I fumbled around with it for a while trying to shut it off until I finally just knocked it down and threw a book at it. I could always get a 6th alarm clock, right? I sat up in bed as my phone began to ring.

"Oh hey" I said " What are you doing up so early?"

"My mom woke me up" Nicolette said back in her grouchy morning voice.

This was Nicolette, we've been friends since forever well actually it was the first grade and we haven't separated since. Nicolette is obviously not a morning person as you can tell. "Oh I see" I said not surprised "So what's up?"

"Nothing really I wanted to know if you want to go out shopping for some last minute school supplies with me?" she said between yawns.

Oh, that's right I forgot to mention today was exactly two days before I started High-school. Isn't that just great? "Yeah I'll come by in a bit, see ya" I said before I hung up. I got up and walked to the bathroom to clean up and junk, then I got dressed. It was a regular outfit a black skirt, black flats,a black cardigan, an aqua T-shirt with matching knee-high socks and a bracelet to match that as well. I picked up my I-pod and aqua blue swirl head phones and headed out my bed room.

"Angel you're wide awake today I see." My mom said with that smile of hers.

"Yeah, I'm heading out with Nicolette to do some shopping" I replied back, I always wondered how she could be such a morning person.

"Alright be back in time for dinner" She said as I began walking down the stairs to the front door.

"I might stay at her house tonight" I yelled back to her as I left the house. The sun was pretty bright today it was warm too, and there was a gentle breeze that blew the nice scent of daffodils and flowers around. This would be a perfect day for a swim I thought to my self as I walked up the front steps to Nicolette's house. We were pretty close neighbors explaining our close friendship. I rang the door bell as her dog came jumping out at me. "Stupid Dog!" I yelled as I flea'd to the safety of the tree in her yard.Gripping to the tree for dear life as her creamy white pit bull barked at me I yelled out "Nicolette call of the hound".

She whistled, a quick sharp one and immediately the dog returned to the house as she walked out. With one look at me and bursted into laughter "You idiot why do you always run you know Cane is only playing" she said in between laughs.

"Shut up every time I come here that dog goes crazy" I yelled back trying to get off the tree. From the corner of my eye I saw my other friend Kourtney. Kourtney is also a good friend of mine, I met her my first year oh junior high. Then I noticed that she was with another person.Startled by them I lost my grip on the tree and fell, ugh sometimes I wish I wasn't so clumsy.

"You ok Angel" Kourtney said looking down on me trying to hold back her laughter.

"I'm fine it happens all the time" as I was talking my eyes wandered over to the guy who was with her. I pulled Kourtney and Nicolette closer so I could whisper to them "Who's he?" I said in a hused tone.

"He's new to my neighbor hood, thought I'd show him around" Kourtney said louder than I would have liked.

"Shhh shhh shh Lower your voice" I said using one hand to cover here mouth. I looked over at Nicolette with my sad face hoping she'd get the message but she only raised an eyebrow.

"Oh! I get you think he-" She yelled out as I quickly covered her mouth with my spare hand.

"Shut up! It's not that I just thought it be just us going shopping," I said looking away "but whatever let's go." I took my hands away from their mouths and started walking to the bus stop. I could hear their footsteps as they walked behindme, so I quickly turned around as I continued walking "So what are we buying?"

"Well, my mom gave me 100 bucks to spend" Nicolette boasted proudly.

"Ok cool since you have so much why don't you treat us to a movie" Kourtney said trying to butter up to her.

"Me spend money you know I'm stingy" she said back, as they continued talking my eyes drifted over to the guy. Now that I looked at him he was pretty cute, as I looked closer I realized he was listening to music not even paying attention to us.He was pretty tall ( taller than me atleast) he also had black hair and wore glasses that made him look really cool.I was studying him when he looked up at me, and instantly my face got red and the clumsiness set in. I tripped and landed in the lap of some old very creepy looking man.

"Sweet mother of-" I began to say but before I could finish I could feel my self being lifted into the air. It was him, he had picked me up and put me in his arms.

"Sorry for the disturbance, " he said to the old man with a charming smile. I found my self looking up at him dumbfounded and almost instantly he met my gaze  ". . . you're way too clumsy" He said after letting out a sigh and a smiling.

"Pfft love birds." Kourtney said looking away snickering.

"Why do they always go for Angel I'm cute too." Nicolette said pretending to sob.

"It's ok," Kourtney said comforting her with a pat on the back "we can be forever alone together."

I couldn't help but fidget in his grasp, he got the message and put me down. I sat on the bus stop bench and put in my head phones to listen to music while I waited for the bus to come. They all went on to having a nice conversation with out me while they waited. A few mintues passed by and the metro bus came to the stop, we all went on and started looking for seats. I looked up and saw Kourtney and Nicolette already sitting together, great that meansI have to sit next to him. I swear those two are planning this stuff.

"Oh sorry I hope you don't mind a window seat." he said already sitting in the seat closest to the aisle.

"It's fine" I said as I started to move between him and the chair in front to get to my seat. Just as I was about to reach it the bus starts moving and I'm thrown into his lap.

"Ohohoho" I heard Nicolette laugh "their getting all cozy already Kourtney."

"Ha, shut up Nicolette you know it was an accident" Kourtney said hitting her on the head.

I moved out of his lap and to my seat near the window, why was I born so clumsy Ithought to myself sobbing on the inside. Now that I think about it I'm not making a good first impression we don't even know each others names.

"I'm Angel" I blurted out to him looking down at my lap.

He took out his head phones and looked at me raising an eyebrow "Hmm, what was that again?"

"I said my name was Angel." I said trying my best to smile.

"Oh, I'm Austin I just moved into the neighbor hood" He said retunring a smile.

So his name was Austin, I wonder if he'll be going to highschool with the rest of us. Maybe we might all be in the same class together. I think I started spacing out in my thoughts because Austin was staring at me.

"Hello, Angel?" He said waving his hand in my face.

"What? Oh sorry. I tend to space out alot" I said moving his hand away.

"So you-" He started to say but he was cut off by the bus driver yelling out our stop.

"All for Birdy Lane Shopping center" He called out from the front.

Nicollet stood up and said "Guys this our stop".

We all got up and walked off the bus to go to the mall.

A Not So Regular Story - Chapter 1: Meeting UpWhere stories live. Discover now