A not So Regular Story - Chapter 2: Mall Time Mess-ups

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We all walked off the bus and stood there enjoying the gentle breeze as the bus pulled off. The peaceful silence was interrupted by none other than the loud but fun Kourtney.

"Nicolette"  she wined "we're at the mall now so are you treating us to a movie or not?"

"Didn't I tell you I was stingy with my money fool" Nicolette said laughing.

"Hey," I said butting into their bickering "why not shop first and see how much we have left before we go see a movie".

"Yeah, Angel's idea sounds fair" Austin said also joining in on the conversation.

"Alright then" Nicolette said loudly "the love birds have decided."

I gave her good smack on the head "We aren't love birds" I yelled starting to blush.

"Yet" Austin  and Kourtney said through smirks.

I sighed to myself "I need new  NORMAL friends."

"Aw, but Angel you love us don't you?" Nicolette said laughing.

"Let's just hurry and go shopping I'm starting to get hungry." I said walking towards the mall entrance.

"Hey wait, " Austin said stopping me "if you want I could take you to get something to eat."

"Really it's okay you don't have to." I said smiling.

"It's fine Angel just go with him I'll be fine with watching Nicolette" Kourtney said pushing me towards Austin.

"Hey wait," Nicolette said " what do you mean 'watching Nicolette'?"

"You know you have the attention span of a squirrel." Kourtney said laughing.

"What did you say I was distracted by this butterfly." She said captivated by a common white butterfly.

While they were distracted with their playful bickering again Austin pulled me off towards the food court. "Come on," he said "let's hurry up I'm hungry."

"O-okay" I said stumbling after him.

We walked around for what felt like five or six minutes until I finally stopped him. "Austin you don't know where the food court is do you?" I asked looking up at him.

"No, not a clue" He said laughing.

"Then why didn't you say anything?"

"I don't know I thought we'd find it by now"

"Come on, it's this way" I said as I sighed and took his hand and started pulling him to where the food  court REALLY was. Me and Nicolette have been to this mall a few times before it shouldn't be hard finding the food court. Another five minutes passed before I stopped us again.

"You don't know where it is either, do you?" he said crossing his arms with a smirk on his face.

"No, but Ive been here before so I know this place better than you" I said sitting down on a bench near us.

He sat down next to me on the bench and took out his I-pod he was putting one head phone bud in his ear when he turned to me.

"What?" I said a little startled.

"Wanna listen?" he said holding out the other bud to me.

"Oh, sure." I said taking it and putting it in my ear. I sat there next to him waiting for the song to play and when it started I regretted my choice in listening with him. The song playing was 'Jizz In My Pants' by The Lonely Island group, I turned to look at him and saw him sitting there with a smirk on his face.

"Idiot" I said hitting him on the head "stop joking around and help me find the food court."

"Sorry, sorry" He said rubbing his head pouting "let's go I'm still hungry"

"Alright Now how do we find it?" I said looking around.

"Well, I have this map." He said pulling it out his pocket.

There was a dead silence between us for about a minute or so. I sat there looking at him with a blank expression and he sat there looking at me with this nervouse smile on his face.

The silence would have gone on longer until I finally said "After we eat I'm going to kill you."

He laughed " You won't do that I'm too cute."

I scoffed "Lets just hurry up I'm hungry" I said standing up. I looked at the map and found the symbol for the Food court, there were alot of different places to eat there. I started walking off in the right direction with Austin following behind me.

"So what are you in the mood for?" He said catching up to me.

"I don't know maybe some ice cream or a pretzel just something to snack on"

As I said that we finally reached the food court area now that I think about it, it wasn't really that far from where we were. There were so many restraunts there too I really didn't know which one to pick.  I seriously didn't want this to look like a date, so which would be the most casual place to eat? In the middle of my thoughts I felt him hold my hand and pull me off.

"Is it really necessary to pull me every where?!" I yelled stumbling after him.

"Well you're light so it's not a problem for me" He said laughing.

Then he we stopped it was in front of an icecream stand he was ordering two icecream cones when the vendor asked what flavors he wanted. He asked for the flavor with the Reese's pieces in it and then he turned and looked at me.

"So Angel, what flavor do you want?"

I blinked "U-uhm I'll take Butter-Finger-Crunch"

The vendor went straight to making the icecream cones, putting two large scoops of icecream of in each cone. I took mine, Austin took his cone and paid and we started walking around.

"Hey you think we should go meet up with Nicolette and Kourtney now?" I said before taking a lick of my icecream.

"Yeah sure where did they go again?" he said taking a small bite of his top scoop.

I took a bit of my top scoop too, it felt nice and cool going down my throat. I turned back to facing Austin and when he looked at me he started snickering.

"W-what is it?" I asked confused. Without warning or anything he started leaning in close to my face I was so confused and almost instantly I could feel my face turning red. What the heck did he think he was doing?! This wasn't the time to want to kiss me!

"A-Austin wait" Was all I could manage to say.

He paused for a moment "Angel I just couldn't help my self," he whispered before wiping off my nose "You had some icecream on your nose." he continued to say laughing.

I got worked up over that?! It was just icecream on my nose, God I'm such an idiot. I shook the thought out of my head and kept walking. "They're at the movies waiting let's go."

It took a few minutes to get to get to the theatre it was on the other side of the mall and there was alot of people here today. When we got close we could already

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2012 ⏰

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