I'm Peter, Peter Pan!

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Me and Felix walked for a while, neither of us dare to brake the silence, this was really awkward. He was trying to talk I could tell but he wasn't able to found the right words.

" Ask me." I said trusting a little bit more in Felix.

" What are you talking about?" he asked " I don't..."

"Oh come on Felix don't you dare to lie me!" I said.
He rolled his fingers through his hair and spoke quietly.

"I don't know your name." He said.

" I'm Kate Isabell Jones!" I said making a silly bow making him smile. " What else would you like to know?" I asked him it was obvious he wanted to ask more stuff.

" Could you tell me you story?" he asked. I didn't know what to say, I mean he was a total stranger. Should tell him everything about me? " Sometimes is good to talk with a stranger!" He said, looks like he read my mind. " I wont judge you!"

"What about that 'don't talk to strangers' rule?" He shrugged. "Whatever. Fuck it, I say... Well I was an happy child, my parents both loved me a lot, one day my mum found out that she had cancer and she only had 2 month of life. Well she died and my dad started to drink a lot and he always put the blame on me for mum's death. He gave me up 'cause he couln't take it anymore. That's my story not very interesting I know." I said my heart was hurting talk about my past its very hard to me but I learned how to hide my feelings over the years.

"I'm sorry" he said "My mum died giving birth, my dad put all the blame in me as well...used to hit me that's how get my scar." he said " But than Pan found me and now I have a new life, a good one, and now I have something I never had before..."

" And what is that" I asked.

" A friend." He said.

" Uhm that's good I think..."

" You think?" he asked confused.

" I never had a real friend, a few mates yes but I never had anyone who stayed long enough to be considered a friend, plus I don't usually talk to people." I said and he smiled.

"Well your talking to me." He said.

"You should feel special Felix." I said, and then something awesome happened: he laughed. I never had make anyone laugh before.

" Pan will definitely want to keep you here." he said.

We kept walking until we reach a camp, there were some boys dancing around a huge bonfire, there was a handsome boy with brown hair, green eyes wearing green clothes playing a pipe. The music was beautiful just like in my dream.

"The music is beautiful." I told Felix.

" You can hear it?" The green eyed boy asked me.

" Holy sweet apple pie! But... you were right over there! How can you move so fast?!" I asked confused.

" That doesn't answer my question! You can hear the music too?" he said rudely.

" Yes I can! Whats the big deal?" I said with the same rudeness.

" Girls can't hear my pipe." He said with his cute British accent.

"I don't get what's the big deal with the girl in this island!" I said annoyed.

" The girls are too weak to be here." He said with a cocky smirk on his face.

" Oh I see! You're gay!" I said making him pissed.

" How dare you?! I'm the king of Neverland I deserve some respect!" 

"Get some manners and maybe I'll respect you." I said. " Well who are you anyways?"

" Oh did I forget to introduce my self? I'm Peter, Peter Pan!" he said with his cocky smile.

" Ahahahaah Sure you are!" I said, the guy was crazy.

" Felix take her to the cage!" He said. 

Felix grabbed my arm." I'm sorry nothing personal!" He said.

Pan was near the cage smirking. " Why don't you laugh now?" He asked me with a sadistic smile.


Oh no! She really pissed Pan. Is he going to free her? Will they became enemys? What about Felix isn't he her friend?

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Love ya all

Troubles in Neverland- (OUAT- Peter Pan Fan Fiction) ENGWhere stories live. Discover now