Chapter 2

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In KeKe Room

Kellie’s P.O.V

Kellie: I don’t know what the fuck is going on but someone gone have to get this shit right before all hell break lose in this fucking house so someone got to get going cause I know me and my girls and leaving cause last time I check we was here first

*Calls her Aunt*

Kellie: Auntie Ashanti I want to ask you something

Auntie A: Yea what is it punkin

Kellie: Do you remember I told you about the boys that have been making me and my friends life a living her since the 6th grade about cheerleading

Auntie A. Yea punkin what the problem

Kellie: Well the assholes are he and said that his Uncle said that they could come her for the summer

Auntie A: …..Umm punkin me and his Uncle thought that you guys needed to get past the past so we thought since me and his uncle are working on a song together that yall should spend the summer getting along  and since you said you wanted to go to school in L.A. I thought if you and you friend get along with them for the summer yall could stay out there and go to school

Kellie: Really

Auntie A: Yes that only if you guys can get along for the summer

Kellie: Okay

Auntie A: Okay punkin talk to you later *she hangs up*

Kellie: I guess this is just gone have to be a fight till the summer ends

Chelsea: KeKe are you ready yet

Kellie: Yea but first we gone have to have a meeting down stairs

*they walk downstairs in this*

Nia: So KeKe what you go to tell us

Selena: Yea you know it can’t be bad

Kellie: The first part I’m gone have to talk to everyone about and the second party I will tell you in the car

*walking in the livingroom*

Diggy: What the fuck you doing in here

Princeton: Yea we trying to watch the game

Kellie: *gets the remote and pauses the game* I have something to tell you

Jacob: I wonder what she has to say bout your house ray

RayRay: Don’t know Don’t care

Kellie: 1. This is my Auntie Ashanti house 2. I have an announcement 3. Yall might not like it

Prodigy: Shit what can be worst then yall ass

Kellie: Well I called my Aunt her and pony-tails uncle thought that since they are working together that we should stay in this house for the summer and try to put the past behind us

Hate That I Love You: MB, Diggy Simmons, Jacob Laitmore Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now