Chapter 12

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Selena’s P.O.V

Selena: I guess since all of us was scared yesterday that we sleep with the guys cause I really don’t want to talk about the dream I had about me and Diggy all I can do is went we start to hate each other I can’t call him little no more if you know what I’m saying

Nia: Hey guys how did you sleep

Girls: I don’t want to talk about it

Nia: Yall had one of them dream to

Kellie: I think I’m gone be sick and all i did was sleep in his bed cause I was scared and had a nightmare about that boy hitting me and that he beat me to death

Candace: You to I thought it was just me

Sarah: Naw I think we all had one of those dream

Chelsea: But went I got in bed with Roc and he let me slept with him I felt better but then I had a dream that I really don’t want to talk about

Kellie: I know how you feel about that one

*the boys come into the dinning room*

Candace: Um are you guys ready to eat

Princeton: *looking down* Yea everything looks good

*they all sit down*

Jacob: So how did you ladies sleep

Girls: Fine

Diggy: Okay this is getting to funny everyone usually at each other throat now we can’t look at each other what happen

Prodigy: Man you not getting the point of it

Roc Royal: Do we have to talk about that can’t we just go watch a movie after breakfast since its Saturday

Princeton: Yea that will help

Sarah: Yea that will be better for everyone

Kellie: I’m really in deep thought

Prodigy: Bout what

Kellie: Don’t want to talk about it

RayRay: That sound good

Selena: Who is up for a good movie

*everyone raises there hand*

Diggy’s P.O.V

Diggy: Man I thought last night I was the only one having that a sex dream now I have to make jokes just to be able to look at her how can sleep in a bed together and protecting these girl lead to sexy dreams

Selena: What do you guys want to watch

Candace: The Best Man Holiday

RayRay: Its kinda what we got going on

Girls: Think Like a Man

Roc Royal: How about we just break the ice and let the shit go cause we gone end up having another sex dream about someone so lets just get it out

Princeton: If we having this dream we might as well get it over with and maybe try and work past that

Kellie: Umm does anyone need anything from the kitchen

Diggy: No I got it Lena can you help me

Selena: Sure

*goes on the kitchen*

Diggy: So Lena how did you sleep last night

Selena: Umm It was good

Digg: Come on I never thought that getting to know each other and being nice would making everything strange

Selena: Diggy you gco *he kisses her*

Diggy: Even if it was a dream I didn’t want to wake up

Selena: We have only been here a few days and we already have a problem the fussing and fighting is nothing new but the kissing and getting to know each other is going to be a little hard

Diggy: All I’m asking is to give us a try

Selena: Sure

*they go back to the other with sodas and chips*

Chelsea’s P.O.V

Chelsea: Hey how about we all just forget about the dreams and just try and have fun like before get along and get to know each other

Roc Royal: Yea that would be cool

Kellie: Hey is getting dark outside

RayRay: Oh No Shit light bright

Kellie: Who the fuck you calling light bright pig tails

Jacob: Now we getting back to old times

Prodigy: Just what we wanted to here

Princeton: Hey it a thunderstorm warming for us

Candace: Okay and what are we gone do

RayRay: Do we have enough supplies

Girls: Yes we do

Jacob: What yall want to do

Nia: Don’t matter to us

Sarah: It has rained 2 days

Diggy: No single girls around here

Selena: *looks over and rolls eyes* Or any cute boys

Diggy: It would if you open your dam eyes

Selena: That it you kissed me in the kitchen but oh there are no single girls

Candace: He kissed you

Chelsea: I know yall was talking to long for some reason

Kellie: How about we all just watch a movie

*the lights go out*

RayRay: Really

Sarah: Well get the flashlights

Roc Royal: I will get the timer

Candace: For what

Prodigy: To see how long before we go at each other throat

*they go and get the flashlights and timer*

Nia: What should we do until the light come back on

Princeton: Play a game

Girls: Why not

Diggy: Write yall name on a small piece of paper cause we gone play truth or dare and 7 heaven

Selena: Oh here we go *writing name and puts it in the hate*

Chelsea: Hope this is good

*they move the tables*

Diggy: First pair girl is *looking at paper* Chelsea and boy *looking at paper see’s Jacob name* Roc you go my boy 

Hate That I Love You: MB, Diggy Simmons, Jacob Laitmore Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now