07* Jealousy

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You woke and and grunted at the thought of school, you had to be good today or you'll never see your friends ever again! You eventually got up and got showered. You then dressed and done your hair and makeup. When you were done it was 7:30 and you texted kimmy.
Younha-' meet me at the usual place xo'
Kimmy-' Ok xo'
You placed your phone in your back pocket of your jeans, grabbed you school bag and ran outside, not even waving at you mother since you were already pissed at her. You finally saw Kimmy and ran up to her.
Kimmy:" hey! Why are you running?"
Younha:" I have to tell you something!"
Kimmy:" go ahead"
Younha:" well if I don't start to behave in class my mother will send me to my aunties!"
Kimmy looked at you in shock.
Kimmy:" really!? Oh my god, I couldn't lose you!"
You smiled at her words and continued to walk. When you and Kimmy arrived at school Kimmy walked of to see Jimin and you waved her goodbye. You saw hosoek and walked up to him.
Younha:" hey Hoseok."
You realised he was with....ugh Yoongi.
Hoseok:" hi Younha!!! Yoongi told me what happened last night, so I guess your going to have to be good?"
You nodded and looked down. Yoongi was staring at you and you felt uncomfortable.
Yoongi:" I'm gonna skip H.E if you wanna come?"
You shook your head no and glared at him.
Younha:" you really want to get rid of me don't you?"
Yoongi chuckles and nodded. You sighed and walked over to Jenny and all your other friends.
Jenny:" Hey Younha!! I have to tell you something exciting!!!"
She starts to squeal and you just rolled your eyes.
Younha:" so, what is it?"
Jenny whispered "I'm dating Yoongi". Your heart dropped when you heard that, you didn't know if you should be happy or sad. You just fake smiled and applauded her.
Younha:" and if you breaks up with you, I'll break his foot."
Jenny giggled and then the bell rang. Lilly walked up to you ready to go to class but you didn't feel like it.
Younha:" I think I'm just gonna skip"
Lilly:" yah! You might get caught!"
You shook your head no and walked of. You couldn't be bothered seeing anyone so you walked to the music room where the piano was. You heard someone playing the piano, it sounded so good. You walked into the room to see yoongi, of course.
Yoongi:" what are you doing here?"
Younha:" I j-just decided to come here. I didn't want to talk to anyone right now."
Yoongi looked at you with furrowed eyebrows and tilted his head.
Yoongi:" and why is that?"
Younha:" uh I- none of your bussiness"
Yoongi chuckled and turned back to the piano and played it.
Younha:" is it true that your dating Jenny?"
Yoongi nodded and turned to me, a smirk form on his face.
Yoongi:" have you got a problem with that?"
You laughed.
Younha:" just don't dump her, promise?"
Yoongi:" promise."
He held out his pinky ready for you to lock pinkys with him, so you did. A smile seemed to appear on your face when you done that.
Yoongi:" ew stop smiling, weirdo"
Your smile fades and you tried to walk out until you felt a hand grasping your wrist.
Younha:" let go of me!"
You were squirming trying to get out of his grip but he was too strong. He chuckled and smiled at you.
Yoongi:" what will you do if I break that promise?"
You glared at yoongi in your 'death' stare.
Younha:" I'll break you, now let go!"
Yoongi:" I want you to stay, I don't wanna be lonely."
Younha:" but I do. Now get off me!"
He let go and you ran towards the door, you heard footsteps behind you, it was Yoongi.
Younha:" Ugh, what is it!?"
Yoongi:" please stay, I hate being lonely."
You sighed and rolled your eyes walking back to the piano. A smile grew on yoongi's face.
Yoongi:" your still coming to do my homework, right?"
You sighed
Younha:" fine."
Yoongi smiled and started to play the piano. He was really good at playing it.
Yoongi:" I know your pissed at Jenny"
Younha:" why would I be pissed?"
Yoongi:" your jealous"
Younha:" Yoongi!! I've only just met you."
Yoongi:" So has Jenny, she seems to like me"
Younha:" Yoongi shut up"
Yoongi rolled his eyes and looked at the piano.
Yoongi:" do you wanna try? I'll teach you"
Younha:" 'you'll teach me' my ass"
Yoongi:" please"
You sighed and sat down next to yoongi. He put is hands over yours and held them, they were so soft......
He gently move you finger down to one key, then the other, it kept on going like that for a while till we heard the door open. We got shocked to see.......


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