Where it all began

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April 20, 2014

Sammy! Sammy! Sammy!!! I yelled as I ran into my older brother's house.

What's wrong Sarah? My older brother asked while he ran to my side.

Nothing's wrong Sam. I said with and eye roll. You see my brother and I are both shifters or more formally knows as werewolves. Part of the Quileute tribe. He's the Alpha of the pack and I'm his Beta. Our l job is to protect the Reservation from leaches. So he is always on an edge.

I got a letter! I said happily.

So? Sam asked with a confused look on his face

It from the recording industry that I told you about! I explained

Oh my god, Sarah! You have to open it!!! Sam told me.

I can't. I said sadly

Why? Sam asked

I can't open it without Paul here. I promised him that if I get this letter he will have to be here to open it with me. explained to my older brother.

Paul? As in Paul Lahote? Sam questions.

Yes, Paul Lahote! My best friend in this whole world. How many Paul's do you and I know? I asked

Good point. I will go call him. Sam said as he walked out of the room.

Ok. I shouted.After a few minutes there was a knock on door.

Paul!! I yelled as I ran and jumped into his arms.

Hey Sarah! What's up? Paul asked

I got the letter!! I shouted happily.

Oh my god!!! Open it now!!! Paul shouted while dragging me to the couch.

Ok. Ok. I say opening the letter and reading it.

Dear: Miss. Sarah Uley, we are pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to be superstars records next singer of the year. We are also think you have an incredible voice and we'll like to offer you a record deal. If you have any questions or your answer for the record deal, please contact me at cSuperstarrecords@lamail.com

Sincerely: Crystal. Gale (manger)

Oh my god, I got in!!!!

Sarah that's amazing. Paul said while he pulled me into a hug

Sarah, I knew you would get in! Sam say with a huge smile on his face.

Thanks guys but, here's the best part. They offered me a record deal!! I said while I jumped into Sam's arms.

Sarah, you have to take that offer. Sam told me.

Yea, it's been your dream since you were a child, you have to take it! Paul said.

You guys really think I should? I asked.

Most definitely. They said in sync. With in 3 and an half hours I made the call that changed my life, packed up everything I needed, called the rest of the tribe and told them all the news. As the limo pulled up in Sam's driveway, I felt an sick feeling in my stomach and looked down at the dirt.

Hey, everything will be alright. You been working so hard for this moment, don't pass it up. Paul told me while putting his hand on my shoulder.

I know, I'm just going to miss you all so much. I said to Paul as I looked into his eyes and froze.

I know you will and we will miss you like crazy but this is your dream. Go live it. Paul said while he pulled me into a hug.

Will you behave if I go? I asked managed to ask

I can't make any promises but, I will be try. He replied with a smirk

Stay safe. Ok? Paul said after a few minutes of silence

I will. I say letting Paul go.

Sarah, can I get a hug before you go? Sam asks.

Of course you can! I say running into his arms and pulling close to me with tears in my eye.

Don't cry beta, you will be back before you know it! Sam say as we let each other go.

Bye Sammy-bear, I love you. I said as a tear rolled down my cheek

I love you too Sarah. Sam told me as I went into the limo. To start a new chapter in my life as something I've always wanted to do...

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