Telling Sam

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Ok... let's go tell Sammy. I say as I intertwine Mine and Jacob's fingers together as we walk out of the garage to tell my brother the good news.... As we walk I can't help but, to worry how Sam will react.

You ok Sar? Quil asks noticing my nervous smile that I planted on my face.

Yeah... I think so. I'm just....

Worried how Sam's going to react. Embry says finishing my sentence


He'll be happy that you found someone who makes you as happy as Jake does. Embry says

And who would do anything for you. Quil says

Thanks guys. I say while giving them a hug as we walk up the porch

You want us to come inside with you? Quil asks

No...but in Case stand by. Please?

Sure. Quil says

We will be right her just yell help. We know how Sam can get when he thinks your going to get hurt.  Embry says with a smile

Yeah, remember when he though Jared kissed you. He chased him out of the house.

Yeah that was bad. Jared got chased around for 3. Hours straight. Poor boy. I say with a smile

Ok we better tell him now. Stand by. I say as Jake and I walk into the house...

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