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Ok we better tell him now. Stand by. I say as Jake and I walk into the house...

Hey Sammy? I say as I walk in to the house with Jake behind me

Yeah Beta.

Where are you? Sam says

In the sitting room. Sam says as I walk into the living room

Hello Sarah.

Hey Billy.

Is everything alright? You look worried. Billy says with a smile

Yeah I'm fine. We need to tell Sam something. I say


Yeah. We as in Jacob and I.

Ok what is it? Billy asks.

Um.. how do I put this in a way that won't get us killed. Um...

J...Jake a...a..and I are

Dating. We are now dating. Jacob says simply as he takes my hand and laces out fingers together.

That's great. I'm happy for you. Billy says

Thank you Billy. Sammy? Do you approve? I asks

How can I not. He makes you happy. That's all I want for you Beta. For you to be happy is everything to me. Sam says with a smile

So, your ok with this?

Yeah I'm ok with this as long as you don't hurt her Jacob.

I promise you Sam I would never do anything to hurt her. She's my imprint. I would rather die then hurt her.

Good. Sam say with a smile

Can we come inside now? Embry asks from outside

Yeah it's hot out here! Quil yells

Yeah you guys can come in. Thanks for standing by.

Your welcome and congrats on your new relationship with Jake. Embry says

Why were they on stand by? Sam asks

Um... just in case things went south. I say with and smile.

That was probably a good idea. Sam says

I'm going to head home. Do you want to stay here? Sam asks

Yeah I would. If that's ok with you Billy?

That would be perfectly fine.

Great. I'll see you later Beta. Call me if you need anything. I love you.

I love you too Sammy! I say as he walks out the door.

While that went better then I thought it would. I say while turning to Jake and taking his other hand in mine as  someone walks through the front door...

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