Chapter 7

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Your POV

I opened my eyes and was met with bright light. I squinted my eyes shut and turned to face the back of the couch, annoyed by the sudden flash of light in my eyes so early in the morning. Or I assumed it was morning, since I've never checked the time.

I signed, realizing that there was no choice but to face another day in my life, and it includes fight with the intense light in my eyes in the morning. I tuned back to the position I was originally in, which was laying on my back and opened my eyes slowly, adjusting to the light around me.

After a long time of doing nothing but laying on the couch I reached for my phone to check the time. "Eight A.M" I said out loud, whispering. I signed once again; this was not the usual time for me to wake up. I was usually one of the first ones to wake up at the time around 6:00.

I sat up and looked around the room, and it was just now that I realized that I was back to Hanji's house. I could clearly remember everything that happened in the pretty place that Levi showed to me before my view went black. I must have fallen asleep... Then that means that Levi carried me home? I thought while standing up from the couch. I shook my head, deciding that I would ask him about it later and say sorry for that incident.

I walked to kitchen, making sure not to step on the bodies of our newcomers that were sleeping on the floor, wondering where the HELL did Hanji find that many blankets and pillows for them. I was extremely hungry and brushed off my weird thoughts and filling them with thoughts of what to eat, making me even more hungry.

As I entered the kitchen I noticed that I wasn't the only one awake. Levi was sitting casually on the chair, looking out the window while drinking his tea. He turned to me and our eyes locked together. We were staring at each other before I realized what I was doing and quickly turned to the fridge to get some sandwiches, our now everyday food. Levi on the other side was following my every move as I was making tea for myself.

I sat down on the chair opposite of Levi's, avoiding looking at him. It was silent and I decided to break that silence myself since Levi wasn't planning on doing it himself. I gathered the course inside me and took a deep breath, deciding to thank him one more time.

"Uh, thanks for showing that place yesterday, Levi..." I said, still refusing to look him in the eyes. He was expecting me to say something and wasn't surprised when i started talking.

"Don't mention it." Was his answer. He didn't say anything else and took a sip of tea from his cup. The awkward silence came back. I think I just screwed the whole conversation up? I mentally asked myself, though that was more of a statement than a question. But I didn't give up on the conversation and kept going, I still wanted to know what happened that night ( sounds weird ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ).

"Look, I just wanted to say sorry for making you carry me back home when I fell asleep." I said, doing my best to sound casual, even though I was overly embarrassed about that I fell asleep there. Levi kept looking at me and answered a simple

"It's fine"

I was now annoyed from the lack of words Levi had today, not that he was always talkative. How many times will I be annoyed today? I asked myself and annoyingly started eating my sandwich. Levi was now back to watching the outside world through the window and it was silence once again, though not the awkward one like before.

After some time Eren came to the kitchen and saved us from the silence of the room. He came in yawning and scratching the back of his head and I turned to look at him. Eren, on the other hand, noticed Levi first and tensed up right away, stopping his yawn halfway through.

He slowly walked to the kitchen and started making his own sandwich and getting a glass of orange juice. Eren sat on the chair farthest from Levi, which coincidentally was the chair closest to me.

(Levi x Reader) Stay close, alright? _Zombie Apocalypse AU_Where stories live. Discover now